Can't adequately express thanks

Chase Parham Editor
May 11, 2009

I posted an update on the premium message board this morning, but due to the tremendous generosity and encouragement of so many I must extend that message beyond the website tonight. As many of you know, my son was born Wednesday extremely premature and weighing just less than 12 ounces. We received an initial miracle by being able to intubate and get Clark to the NICU. Just three days ago there didn't seem to be any issues, and in one afternoon it was discovered not only had extreme growth restriction occurred, but the delivery was necessary within 48 hours.

To this point things have been as positive as can possibly be hoped for, and Friday morning is a huge step in this fight as he undergoes a brain ultrasound that will detect any brain bleeds - a considerable possibility in micro preemies. The road, even in perfect conditions, will be a long one, and that is the next obstacle to overcome. My thoughts and worries are on that, but right now I can't feel anything but gratitude, amazement and incredible appreciation for all family, friends and wonderful people who have touched my life this week.

The thoughts, messages and prayers on Wednesday provided great comfort, and what has transpired on Thursday night has touched me beyond words. Being honest the thought of the GoFundMe page still makes me uncomfortable. It's not in my nature, and I would have never thought to be the subject of it. So many people have asked for ways to help in any way, and Jason started the page as a way for those to assist with some of the things we hopefully have ahead.

However, I don't think anyone could have expected the outpouring of support that has occurred the past few hours. You all have moved me to tears and shown what great people encompass Oxford, Ole Miss and all other circles in our lives. I have no words, but I thank you from the bottom of my heart. My son, in only his second day, has brought out the collective love and compassion of so many people. I begrudgingly allowed Jason to post, and his actions have shown the spirit of the people in all our lives.

Beyond any material assistance, please continue your prayers as we progress in this journey. Witnessing what I have the past day and a half can only be described as a miracle, and it may take a few more before it's over. The thoughts and prayers provide a strength that can't be touched by anything else.

I'm humbled and so very grateful for each of you. Know that nothing has gone unnoticed.

Best wishes and so many thanks to all of you,


This post was edited on 4/16 10:00 PM by Chase Parham
God bless you Chase, your wife, and Clark

Prayers sent for y'all. My daughter was preemie when my wife had preeclampsia too. My little girl is now 27 years old. Stay with Clark and your precious wife as close as you can.

Chase, God bless you, Kara, and Clark! The financial assistance is only a piece of the puzzle. You'll need plenty of emotional support as well, but you have plenty of folks that will help out with that as well. Glad you accepted the help, if for no other reason than people WANT to help. Any and all support that you do receive was gladly contributed.
Saying prayers for you guys - and donating. It's not hard for us to put in a little money and it feels good to give to someone and something that has a genuine need. We complain on these boards so much that being able to help is a blessing to not only those that receive - but to those that give.

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