In an effort to keep the memory of this day alive as we are now 23 years away from the attacks I want folks to tell their 9/11 story. Where were you, how old were you, what were you thinking?
I was in first grade when the attacks happened. That day is the first major memory I have. My father was in NYC for his monthly business trip 5 blocks from the towers and the teacher exited the room for probably 10 minutes, returned, and told me in front of the class that he was safe. I simply responded “of course he is” (none of us students had any idea the attacks had happened at that point). My mother then came to check me out of school and we proceeded to watch the news and talk to each other about what had happened for the next 8 hours and many days after. My dad was stranded in the city and had to ride buses, rent cars, and carpool his way down to Birmingham over the course of the next day and a half. Let us never forget that day and always remember those who lost their lives to the evil that hates this country. My prayers are with the victims and families today.
I was in first grade when the attacks happened. That day is the first major memory I have. My father was in NYC for his monthly business trip 5 blocks from the towers and the teacher exited the room for probably 10 minutes, returned, and told me in front of the class that he was safe. I simply responded “of course he is” (none of us students had any idea the attacks had happened at that point). My mother then came to check me out of school and we proceeded to watch the news and talk to each other about what had happened for the next 8 hours and many days after. My dad was stranded in the city and had to ride buses, rent cars, and carpool his way down to Birmingham over the course of the next day and a half. Let us never forget that day and always remember those who lost their lives to the evil that hates this country. My prayers are with the victims and families today.