The black no-contact jerseys were:
Eli Acker
Caleb Warren
Juice Wells
Brandon Turnage
Princely Umanmeilen
DeeJay Holmes
Louis Moore
Jadon Canady
Logan Diggs
Jordan Watkins
JJ Pegues
Richard O'Bryant
Gerquan Scott didn't drill with the group while we were there.. No one listed seemed any worse. There's a lot of precautionary. The linemen in black jerseys were on bikes.
We saw individual drills again for 15 minutes.
Eli Acker
Caleb Warren
Juice Wells
Brandon Turnage
Princely Umanmeilen
DeeJay Holmes
Louis Moore
Jadon Canady
Logan Diggs
Jordan Watkins
JJ Pegues
Richard O'Bryant
Gerquan Scott didn't drill with the group while we were there.. No one listed seemed any worse. There's a lot of precautionary. The linemen in black jerseys were on bikes.
We saw individual drills again for 15 minutes.