So, I know nobody ever gives a rats a$$ about someone’s else fantasy team….
Id appreciate a little help for those that will.
We’ve got a pretty good money league, and I’ve done ok but haven’t won. I’ve always drafted with those best player sheets and just tried to pick as good as possible.
late rounds I’m just guessing.
Would appreciate any tips, websites, formulas (rb, rb, wr, wr, etc….)
Im second pick. Snake draft. PPR ESPN standard point/format. Flex position. Live Draft is tomorrow at 8:00pm est
Thanks in advance!
Id appreciate a little help for those that will.
We’ve got a pretty good money league, and I’ve done ok but haven’t won. I’ve always drafted with those best player sheets and just tried to pick as good as possible.
late rounds I’m just guessing.
Would appreciate any tips, websites, formulas (rb, rb, wr, wr, etc….)
Im second pick. Snake draft. PPR ESPN standard point/format. Flex position. Live Draft is tomorrow at 8:00pm est
Thanks in advance!