Simple question for the colonel supporters

Originally posted by drreb:
You know, I could give a rat`s posterior about exactly what/who the mascot is/isn`t....but I`ve just about had my fill of all this change just to be PC and all these crocodile tears about the racial "image" of the UM. Is there a Kwanza(sp) celebration at the University? Are most all the frats integrated? Is there a Black studies dept? Is there a White studies dept? I ask these questions because I think there should be one "University Of Mississippi" that is there for the students who want to attend. All these agendas pushed by special interests are counterproductive to the image of the university as a whole and project visions of divisions that only exist in the minds of people with too much time on their hands.
I am third generation Ole Miss and both my sons also graduated there(also in the M club). All this crap just makes me sick. One poster above stated that most alums don`t give as much as the average student pays in tuition....well I certainly have given more than that many times over simply because I believed the university was getting things done the way they should be done. No more! Until the university can again get back to educating the young people of our state, they can do without my help.

I hope you change your mind brother.

Not everyone will agree with the changes, but OLE MISS needs your support, more now than ever. We're doing great things down here, and it would be a shame if you weren't with us.

I respect your view sir, I'm just trying to keep you on board.
Originally posted by weswalks:
I have posted this before but I will repeat - when I attended Ole Miss we didn't have a "Mascot". Blind Jim was as close to a mascot as we had. Colonel Rebel was the guy selected to escort Miss Ole Miss to the homecoming dance and appear at halftime of homecoming. He wore a Confederate uniform and it was the highest, social, honor earned that year. I don't mind "losing" Col. Reb. as a mascot but I'm deeply disappointed with the liberal direction our school has taken. If we aren't careful, all we will have is a very liberal faculty and a bunch of minority students or foreigners. The school has made progress in a number of areas, including academics, but it should not lose it's independence by joining the liberal movement going on in our colleges and universities.

I think the higher ups in the administration should we equally represented by all political views.

But, I think the teachers being Liberal is ok. No teacher should ever preach his beliefs and force them on their students, an dI think most don't. I do think it's good students get a different view than the one the got all their lives. Most kids keep living their lives as usual, but they get a unique view of the other side.
The plan appears to be to phase out Col Reb, Dixie, and the term "Ole Miss". First flags, then Col Reb, then fight songs, now a new on-field mascot and official image on merchandise.
The on the field mascot will be something like a horse, bear, muppet, or land-shark, and the licenced image will be a teddy bear or land-shark, then in time the word "Rebel" will be replaced with Ole Miss Bears or sharks. Soon "Ole Miss" will be replaced by "University Of Mississippi".
Then and only then will the University of New South Teddy Bears be able to compete for those 80 IQ dumb jocks. When a player is 6-6 350 pounds or can run a 4.3 in the 40...who cares about academics? money money money !!
Why does change all mean good these days? Everyone assumes that if we change the status quo then it will fix the problem or the assumed problem. Grovedreamin I have actually read some of your post where you state that for the most part you are a conservative so this idea of calling you a liberal in my opinion is fairly dumb. I grew up with Colonel Reb, while growing up I never once associated him with a racist figure, I just thought of him in the same light as I imagine Vanderbilt fans see their mascot. I thought he was a unique mascot that made us different in an age where so many mascots are similar. Is it so bad to keep things the same? Just because it is old doesnt mean it's bad. To me if opposing schools didnt try to make it a campaign that it is an issue it would not be an issue. Kind of the same way it is the black community that keeps racism alive, not the white community.

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