for student athletes”? Bc that’s all this fkn BS is about. Playing college sports is a privilege. It’s not a right and if you’re privileged enough to play it at the highest level then by damn you should have to play by the rules historically in place or don’t play at all and 100 kids less talented maybe will be chomping at the bit to take your place. Whatever happened to adults just telling kids that they don’t always get their way simply bc they’re not mature enough to see the big picture and bc much wiser adults said so? These SoB’s have always wanted to kill football bc of one reason or another but mainly bc it’s too traditional American and an overwhelming majority straight men love it and it brings too many people who otherwise don’t see eye to eye together. We can’t have that. Now they’ve finally found the perfect way kill it while convincing the f’n dumbest of society that they’re only looking out for the best interests of the kids. It’s fkn depressing.