Are out of their league here. I wouldn't give the no the sweat off my gonads. Those fools tried 10 scholarship and we got NOTHING, now we offer a bowl ban? Fire those 2 fools before dark!
Dumb move for sure. Lyman's hero should have offered a pretty stiff penalty THEN you challenge the LOIC charge.
Offering one bowl ban is effectively telling the NCAA that everything they are adding is wrong. Not a smart strategy.
That kind of talk is going to get you in big trouble with Pratt
Don't you know bjork's' integrity is not to be questioned?
perhaps reading comprehension isn't your strong point as wellReading comprehension isn't your strong point is it? no ones in trouble, You are on a witch hunt for Bjork and have been for over a year now. Again, all i have asked is for you to provide proof of what he should be fired for. Never said he shouldn't, but I like actual facts this isn't SPEDS lol