Saw this on twitter this morning and thought it was really interesting...
We are a huge beneficiary of Bruce Feldman's "Body Blow" theory. Meaning some of our toughest games this year, come after the opposing team has played a huge physical game the week prior.
We play Auburn a week after they play Arkansas.
We play A&M a week after they get Bama.
And we play LSU and MooU after each of them play Bama and Arkansas in consecutive weeks.
That's a huge plus to our schedule.
We are a huge beneficiary of Bruce Feldman's "Body Blow" theory. Meaning some of our toughest games this year, come after the opposing team has played a huge physical game the week prior.
We play Auburn a week after they play Arkansas.
We play A&M a week after they get Bama.
And we play LSU and MooU after each of them play Bama and Arkansas in consecutive weeks.
That's a huge plus to our schedule.