Don't miss the movie "The Help"


Special Teams Stud
Jan 14, 2004
A Great Movie, major winner of SAG Awards Show. This a very accurate representation of the life of upper class white women,in Jackson Mississippi in the early 1960's. All of them of course, "Ol Miss" girls and grads, and the "colored" maids that raised their children, changed their childrens diapers, cooked there meals, cleaned their houses, while they played cards, ate lunch at the corner lunchonette, and circulated petitions to require "white folks" that hire "blacks" to build separate toilet facilities so they would not have to put their lily white butts
on the toilet seat as the colored help. They called it "separate but
equal". Some of y'all might recognize some of these people if you lived in Misissippi in the early 60's. So be sure to see the story of your heritage in the recent past! GO REBS !!!!!!!
Sounds like a white guilt trip to me. I don't watch white guilt movies...sorry. Race relations are a two way street in my book.
I agree. Can't move past the past, til you let go of the past. I know blacks were mistreated, but so were a lot of groups. That behavior is not coming back and so let it go. And no one would eat a sh%t pie and not know it. That is just goofy movie making. Did Judd Apatow direct that part?
dry, I suppose you know this is "a very accurate representation" because you were there? Maybe it is, but then again, maybe it isn`t. Did you grow up in Mississippi in the early 60`s? As MSU fans like to say...history that far back doesn`t matter any more, only the last few years count. Well, we are doing a much better job than most of our brother states in the north at this time. If the story is accurate, then it does look as if we learned how to improve the situation....unlike Chicago, Indy, Cleveland, etc, etc, etc.

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