zreb All-Pro NFL Feb 27, 2002 20,641 453 83 Oct 8, 2016 #1 its 86 and sunny. They should never have cancelled the game. I Dk if it was afternoon but they could have made it a night game but regardless, a cowardly act.
its 86 and sunny. They should never have cancelled the game. I Dk if it was afternoon but they could have made it a night game but regardless, a cowardly act.
zreb All-Pro NFL Feb 27, 2002 20,641 453 83 Oct 8, 2016 #2 Looks like our slimey league commish wants this game played. It needs playing and if they both have to cancel the puff games tough!
Looks like our slimey league commish wants this game played. It needs playing and if they both have to cancel the puff games tough!