Here we go…Desantis


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Sep 20, 2005
In case you missed all the hoopla yesterday, and somehow overlooked the ultra-rare C&C Breaking News alert (shame on you), yesterday Governor DeSantis hosted the scientific roundtable we’ve been fervently praying for. The short version is, Florida is about to do four incredibly significant things:

  • Convene a statewide criminal Grand Jury to investigate crimes and fraud committed against Floridians related to the covid-19 vaccines. I am NOT making that up!
  • Establish a “Public Health Integrity Committee,” overseen by its Harvard-trained Surgeon General, which will assess all federal public health recommendations and guidance, to ensure that Florida’s public health policies are good for Florida. In other words, we’re not slavishly following the CDC anymore.
  • Work with medical examiners to study autopsy results of all Floridians who died suddenly after receiving the covid-19 vaccine. The state will also work with the University of Florida to compare its research to studies from other countries.
  • Introduce a new bill over the next few weeks designed to protect physicians’ independent judgment, their First Amendment rights, and their independent right to dissent from orthodox narratives.
The roundtable wasn’t groundbreaking because of what was said; although it certainly was interesting and moderately informative — maybe most informative for people who haven’t been paying attention lately. I linked the roundtable yesterday in the Breaking News post, but here it is again (~90 minutes):

Twitter avatar for @GovRonDeSantis
Ron DeSantis @GovRonDeSantis
Governor Ron DeSantis holds an accountability roundtable for mRNA shots.

3:14 PM ∙ Dec 13, 2022


The following doctors/scientists attended the roundtable with the Governor. Each spoke, some more than others. They will also be the initial members of the new independent Public Health Committee. You’ll probably recognize most of the names:

  • Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD
  • Martin Kuldorff, PhD
  • Tracy Beth Høeg, MD, PhD
  • Joseph Fraiman, MD
  • Christine Stabell Benn, MD, PhD
  • Bret Weinstein, PhD
  • Steven Templeton, PhD
That’s a pretty exceptional group. These folks are not only serious scientists who all have reason to be suspicious about the safety and efficacy of the jabs. They are also people who have ALREADY endured the slings and arrows of government-fueled professional and social cancellation schemes. In other words, they aren’t easily intimidated, and they’ve proven they value truth and honor over self-interest.

And they are finally being given an official platform and resources.

🔥 First, let’s talk about the “roundtable with scientists” format. Governor DeSantis has used this technique at least three times before (as I recall): the first time was before he ended lockdowns; then before the mask mandate ban; then before the vaccine exemption laws. Each time the roundtable set the stage for a major departure from the narrative.

I’m pretty sure YouTube promptly deleted all three of the Governor’s roundtable videos. The information from the scientists was too dangerous for the public, or something.

So this time, the Governor used Twitter.

The roundtable technique is brilliant and effective. Using the technique, the Governor completely immunizes himself from any accusation that he’s engaged in “anti-science” or conspiracy theories. After all, the Governor is just asking questions. Asking questions from EXPERTS. And he listens to them. It’s right there on the video. A child could see it.

What can his critics say? They can’t say he didn’t listen to “the experts.” And if they want to call DeSantis anti-science, they have to first deal with his panel of experts, who all confirmed that the Grand Jury and Committee are necessary for the public’s health and safety.

They can’t even accuse the Governor of cherry-picking his experts. If they open THAT Pandora’s box, who knows what else might leap out? People might start to wonder whether EVERYBODY cherry-picks their experts. They might even start to wonder how, for example, the odious Tampa Bay Times finds the experts IT quotes in ITS articles.

Oh, they’ll cast aspersions. They’ll call the Committee “opposed to the majority,” and “minority views,” and so forth. But — and this is another brilliant chess move by DeSantis, and it explains why Drs. McCullough and Cole aren’t on the panel — the media CANNOT question the panel’s professional credentials.

Why not? Glad you asked.

DeSantis is a lawyer. He gets it. His strategy relies on the fundamentals of defamation law. There are two standards for defamation in this country. The first, hard-to-prove standard for defamation applies to PUBLIC FIGURES. These are people who deliberately seek the public’s eye, by making movies, having a big social media presence, doing lots of interviews on podcasts, going on the radio, and so forth.

It’s very, very difficult for a public figures to prove defamation.

But it’s completely different for PRIVATE FIGURES. It’s much, much easier for private figures to prove they’ve been defamed. More importantly, if a private figure proves that a newspaper even IMPLIES they aren’t qualified for their chosen profession, then damages can be ASSUMED.

For example, I once sent a retraction letter to a newspaper on behalf of a pediatrician who was writing mask exemption notes for school kids. The paper reported that he’d written over 40% of all mask exemption notes in the county, and strongly hinted that the doctor was faking the notes.

After getting my letter, the paper immediately removed the article and quit writing about the doctor. It wasn’t (only) because I’m a terrific lawyer. It was because the newspaper knew it was standing on legal black ice.

(Anecdotally, the doctor’s practice nearly doubled after the defamatory article was published, so all was well. Thanks, reporters!)

THAT is almost certainly why DeSantis picked the group that he did. These scientists are all respected, credentialed scientists — who arguably are NOT public figures. Therefore, the corporate media can’t make the story about THEM.

DeSantis skillfully pulled corporate media’s bloodstained vampire fangs. Now they have to compete on level ground, if they try to compete at all.

🔥 The roundtable’s possibly most interesting comment was from Dr. Fraiman, a Louisiana ER doctor who’s published a study re-analyzing Pfizer’s clinical trial data. He and other study authors found that – according to Pfizer’s OWN data — one in 800 people in the clinical trials experienced a serious adverse event after getting the vaccine.

Dr. Fraiman contrasted that 1/800 figure with the rate for serious AE’s for all other vaccines, which is: 1/1,000,000. In other words, all other vaccines see one serious AE in a MILLION shots. It’s not even close.

Worse, Dr. Fraiman pointed out that the 1/800 figure is just AE’s reported during the two-month clinical trial period. In other words, those are just the ACUTE injuries. The 1/800 figure doesn’t include any serious AE’s that developed AFTER the first two months. The real number could be higher, maybe MUCH higher.

Dr. Fraiman called the 1/800 figure “disastrous” if true. Remember — that’s from PFIZER’S OWN DATA. The same data the most-heavily-fined pharmaceutical company in history fought to keep hidden, but which the court forced it to turn over.

Dr. Fraiman also noted that none of the agencies or pharma companies have ever provided “patient-level data.” Meaning, researchers can’t tell who is being injured by age, race, pre-existing medical conditions, and so forth. Those are pretty important facts.

So, since the CDC, FDA, and NIH won’t do it, Florida is going to.

🔥 The Governor’s Petition for a Grand Jury is worth reading if you have 10-15 minutes. You can find it here.

The Governor’s Petition for Grand Jury includes a painful summary of the many times Pfizer, Moderna, the CDC, and high government officials all falsely claimed the vaccines would safely and effectively reduce the spread of the virus and end the pandemic, and when they fraudulently warned that unvaccinated people would be responsible for continuing the pandemic if they didn’t take the jabs.

It’s hard to pick out a “best” part from the Petition to quote for you here, but consider the following three paragraphs, which come right after a list of studies — including Florida’s study — showing higher rates of myocarditis in young people after the jabs:

These reports raise questions regarding whether the representations made by the pharmaceutical industry with respect to the safety and risks of their COVID-19 vaccines have been true… The pharmaceutical industry has a notorious history of misleading the public for financial gain. Questions have been raised regarding the veracity of the representations made by the pharmaceutical manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines, particularly with respect to transmission, prevention, efficacy, and safety. An investigation is warranted to determine whether the pharmaceutical industry has engaged in fraudulent practices. The people of Florida deserve to know the truth.​

In light of the foregoing information, Petitioner has determined that there are good and sufficient reasons to deem it to be in the public interest to impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate criminal or wrongful activity in Florida relating to the development, promotion, and distribution of vaccines purported to prevent COVID-19 infection, symptoms, and transmission.​

The Petition asks that a jury pool be selected from central Florida counties.

🔥 Now let’s discuss some implications of all this.

Over a month ago, I promised there WOULD be accountability, and I outlined a four-phase timeline for getting to “real” accountability for the pandemic. I said we were just coming out of Phase one, the fog of war, where we didn’t know what hit us, and where we could only react defensively, fending off mandates and lockdowns and WHO treaties.

I described Phase Two as the evidence-gathering phase. Phase Three would be finding or electing heterodox politicians who recognized the value of campaigning on a vaccine accountability platform. I said Phases Two and Three could run concurrently.

So Coffee & Covid and a couple dozen plucky volunteers started working on the Covid Accountability Project, to help gather all the evidence together in one easily-searchable location. As I write these words, that project is well underway. That’s Phase Two.

What I did not expect — I doubt anyone expected this — was for Phase Three to begin so quickly. Because, make no mistake, in a swift, bold, and politically electrifying maneuver, Ron DeSantis just became the world’s political leader of the Covid Accountability movement. Sort of like Julius Caesar who, after months of camping out on the banks of the river Rubicon, finally made his historic decision, issued his world-changing orders, and took his army across the river into Italy.

It was a point of no return. The world would never be the same. As Caesar said at the time, alea iacta est — the die is cast.

And so it is now.

Notably — do NOT miss this — the Florida Grand Jury will be a CRIMINAL grand jury, which can issue indictments of people and companies, can issue criminal subpoenas to people and companies, require witnesses to appear and testify under oath, and can publish a final report summarizing its evidence. It can also recommend civil lawsuits. The Grand Jury will operate for a full year.

I have no idea yet how things will play out. But it seems certain that the pharma companies WILL, finally, have to go on record and explain — under oath — how the vaccine messaging got so garbled, and whether they ever ACTUALLY said the jabs would reduce transmission or not.

At minimum.

I can’t recall how many folks have contacted me over the past two years, literally begging me for help to somehow convince Governor DeSantis to convene a criminal grand jury just like this one. A lot of people have desperately wanted this grand jury to happen, and have been publicly crying out for it, all over the state. And I have never quit working behind the scenes to try to help make it happen.

It’s happened! It’s happening!

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