I think


All-Pro NFL
Feb 27, 2002
Corral may be the best QB magnet we ever had. Eli should have been but for Otis who couldn't pour piss out of a boot. He's up in mediocrity now where he's good fit.Great degree for sure, like Stanford. Corral coming from so far on a flip, which we didn't orchestrate, is great imho. I like the QB prospects who seem to looking at us.
Corral may be the best QB magnet we ever had. Eli should have been but for Otis who couldn't pour piss out of a boot. He's up in mediocrity now where he's good fit.Great degree for sure, like Stanford. Corral coming from so far on a flip, which we didn't orchestrate, is great imho. I like the QB prospects who seem to looking at us.
Wow, 19,021 posts and only 158 likes! Not even a good troll.
Gee bitch-on98! You use this place to "up" your self esteem? I'll forward the address of your closet to the authorities and hope no one is injured in the pillow fight. Be sweet now!
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Gee bitch-on98! You use this place to "up" your self esteem? I'll forward the address of your closet to the authorities and hope no one is injured in the pillow fight. Be sweet now!
nice rebel flag avatar you hillbilly
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I'm presuming you "like" hillbillies, snowflake???????????????

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