I'm just spit-balling here, but based on the quit/quitter issue with the OBC and some some other topics over the last few months...it appears (again spit-balling), that young Jeffrey needs to be right on any topic he's discussing about 98.734328298% of the time. I may off a little bit on that number. I'm NOT judging here, as I was young once myself!!!! Lord knows when we're young...we're very, very "special".
But, if there's any hope of young Jeffrey finding love...and eventually marriage...he needs to understand that THE NEED to be right on nearly every issue is a fool's errand in marriage. As the 2 of you ARE married, it is imperative that y'all set the young lad straight and teach him some useful, catchy phrases such as:
Yes Dear...
Of course Dear...
You're absolutely right Dear...
I'll get right on that sweetheart...
I'm sssssooooo, so sorry honey...etc. etc. etc.
Good luck in your quest!!!!
I'm really kind of joking here...FYI. Hope y'all have a terrific Thursday.
But, if there's any hope of young Jeffrey finding love...and eventually marriage...he needs to understand that THE NEED to be right on nearly every issue is a fool's errand in marriage. As the 2 of you ARE married, it is imperative that y'all set the young lad straight and teach him some useful, catchy phrases such as:
Yes Dear...
Of course Dear...
You're absolutely right Dear...
I'll get right on that sweetheart...
I'm sssssooooo, so sorry honey...etc. etc. etc.
Good luck in your quest!!!!
I'm really kind of joking here...FYI. Hope y'all have a terrific Thursday.