"I’m not voting for Donald Trump next November, ....". So, does that mean you like and approve the direction that Obama and the Democrats have taken the country over the last 6.8 years; that the Democrats truly know better how to secure America's future and, indeed, the future of your children? Or, you just don't like Trump? DT is not a PC politician and that is why so many like him but he does have issues... Is DT arrogant? Yes. Is he a braggart? Indeed. But the real question is does he care about his country? I think so and I believe he does want to make it great again as Americas social issues, income per person, and reputation in the world has certainly dropped over the last 10 or 12 years. The left always have said that the Repubs are nothing but old white men... so look who they have on the program, a 67 or so year old Socialist Democrat liar and conniver Hillary Clinton and the 72 or so year old admitted Socialist Independent Bernie Sanders. Something, huh? The 2016 election is about Socialism v. Conservatism. We all are betting on the future of our kids and grandkids. Feel free to move this should you feel it OT for the board, but there are some things more important than football.