Orgeron keeps job, enjoys chicken


All-Pro NFL
Feb 27, 2002
The good news out of the last loss is that it helps O keep his job at lsu this freeing up another candidate for us. Play calling and coaching last night should accelerate our search. Key players collectively didn't have their brightest hour either. OINK! OINK!
I don’t think attacking me will address your unhealthy fascination with your uncle Ross. I understand you are family, but if he is run out of Oxford, well, I think we are all concerned about how you might react.

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I don’t think attacking me will address your unhealthy fascination with your uncle Ross. I understand you are family, but if he is run out of Oxford, well, I think we are all concerned about how you might react.

We are here for you.
I'm fine whether he stays or goes. Bottom line is you are the only one that has an unhealthy obsession with him. You literally bring him up in every post whether he is mentioned or not. We have asked you to site exactly what he did in these situations that you claim he had everything to do with and your only response is "he's the AD he should have stopped it" I honestly think you might be Boone's boy. How bad did it hurt when he got run out of town for being the worst AD we have ever had? Bjork has improved things such helping facilitate a new arena and bringing out football stadium some needed reno's. I get it, he isn't an "Ole Miss guy" and you don't want him here. Nothing you can do is going to change the fact that he is here. Might as well ride it out because sooner or later he is going to either be let go or move along. And no you don't get to come and say "I told you so" because everyone knows that he could get fired after the sanctions but everyone also knows he could just as easily take a better job somewhere. So again, keep that in your mouth suck hard, it's unhealthy for someone to control your emotions like he does for you.
Well, based on your hysterical post I would seem that I have control of your emotions. Almost as much fun as seeing bjork canned.

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LSU acts like they would have hired CEO from us had we not fired him and they made him a D coach. Highly doubtful.
Well, based on your hysterical post I would seem that I have control of your emotions. Almost as much fun as seeing bjork canned.

We are here for you.
Rational thought and explanations are now hysterical? You are almost too stupid to have a conversation with.
LSU acts like they would have hired CEO from us had we not fired him and they made him a D coach. Highly doubtful.
Not at all. The majority of LSU fans wanted Fisher or Herman, and a great many still have reservations about CEO... you can't really blame them either - I mean, seriously, how bad do you have to be to get fired from Ole Miss?

BUT, here we are on the other side of things - right now CEO has more wins than Fisher and Herman combined, and the HC that Ole Miss has been touting as the next great thing has just slunk out of Oxford leaving them holding the bag on potentially massive sanctions... just goes to show that its a good thing the majority of fans don't get a say in what goes on, eh?

Honestly, I'd rather have Aranda and Canada as coordinators and pretty much ANYONE as a HC right now, than I would any available HC option out there.
LSU had financial issues after the Miles buyout. FOF (fresh outta funds) so yeah you got what you can afford. He CAN recruit so la and if he keeps his hands off the coordinators he'll be back for another chicken on a stick in 2 years.
LSU had financial issues after the Miles buyout. FOF (fresh outta funds) so yeah you got what you can afford. He CAN recruit so la and if he keeps his hands off the coordinators he'll be back for another chicken on a stick in 2 years.
Well, finances didn't have that much to do with it - CEO makes $3.5 million or so, but Aranda makes $1.8 million and Canada makes $1.5 million, I think - LSU's coaching staff remains one of the two highest paid in the SEC and one of the highest paid in the nation... plus, LSU continues to be one of only two schools in the country who's athletic side pays out millions to its academic side every year, so money wasn't the issue, really. Alleva had his eye on two candidates and sure, he didn't want to get into a bidding war with FSU or Texas, but he felt like CEO was a solid fall-back option with high potential upside. It remains to be seen if he were correct or not, but I promise you that LSU fans are a lot happier than FSU or Texas fans are right now.