I’ve been out of the hospital for about a month now and am doing as well as can be expected I guess. The pain is still pretty bad, I am very weak and have no endurance. I’m going to physical therapy and occupational therapy 3 times a week and I’m able to do a little bit more each week. The newest developments are that I have developed an essential tremor in my right hand, I am a good bit weaker on my right side than my left( I’m right handed) in fact my right hand and leg are (I’m not sure how to phrase this) are about 30 points apart, speech has slowed and I am stuttering a good bit. I’m having trouble drawing straight lines much less writing. It’s just so frustrating there are so many things that used to be so simple are so hard now. But I have gained 10 pounds so that’s a huge thing! Again please keep those prayers coming and God Bless.