Oxford Exxon Podcast - February 17, 2016

Let's be fair about why some people don't like Freeze's over the top religiousity while wearing his coaching hat. The issue that some of us have is that he's a football coach who constantly injects his personal beliefs into his coaching at a public university. If ANY coach, at ANY public university injected ANY personal beliefs (political, sexuality, non-Christian religion, environmentalism, etc.) into their coaching to the extent that Freeze interjects his Christianity, EVERYONE would lose their shit; PARTICULARLY evangelical Christians. He isn't being unfairly mistreated because of his faith; he's actually getting unfair privilege and a free pass that no one outside of proselytizing Christians are afforded. ESPN posts every religious tweet that Freeze tweets onto the ESPN/Ole Miss page. What's that all about?

I like Freeze and I love Ole Miss. I'm also a Christian (who graduated from Briarcrest Christian School in Memphis) but I understand why people have a problem with this issue.

You don't have to be a Christian hater or an atheist or an Ole Miss hater or a Communist to take issue with it.
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"Our system" (ounces, pounds, inches) is the British Imperial system of measure. Rory, being Northern Irish, is British, so "our system" is actually more his system.
Are You going to the FCA pancake breakfast tomorrow HTTB ?

I think the grove has been overrun w/ Marron's this afternoon.
I don't know what that means. I won't be going to an FCA pancake breakfast tomorrow and I wouldn't know about the Grove being overrun with Marron's since I'm in Tampa and I don't know who Marron is or what it is of his/hers that he/she is overrunning the Grove with.

You've definitely stirred my curiosity though. The Grove is overrun with Marron's what? And who is Marron?

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