to leans Clinton. The polls now have Clinton with 272 electoral votes that are leaning Clinton or stronger. To be shown as leaning to a candidate, the poll average must show a 7.0% lead or greater.
The remaining 266 electoral votes are divided with 154 leaning Trump or better and 112 Toss Ups. The toss up states include Nevada, Iowa, Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida, which are traditional toss up states. Also in the toss up column now are Arizona, Missouri and Georgia, which have been Republican strongholds for a while.
The remaining 266 electoral votes are divided with 154 leaning Trump or better and 112 Toss Ups. The toss up states include Nevada, Iowa, Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida, which are traditional toss up states. Also in the toss up column now are Arizona, Missouri and Georgia, which have been Republican strongholds for a while.