Some Miss State fans belong in a zoo.


All-Pro NFL
Gold Member
Jan 30, 2004
The ones who went to the Library this weekend and tried to disrupt our recruits having a good time need to be put away. I've seen State fans obsessed with Ole Miss for a long time but this beats he cake.
Nothing they do surprises me. Their entire identity revolves around their hatred for and collective pathological inferiority complex toward Ole Miss. As I've said before, Mississippi State has only 3 traditions: 1. Cowbells 2. Hating Ole Miss and 3. Losing
Originally posted by ranchreb:
The ones who went to the Library this weekend and tried to disrupt our recruits having a good time need to be put away. I've seen State fans obsessed with Ole Miss for a long time but this beats he cake.
The MOO Zoo...[/B]
Ole miss has just as many obsessed fans who do dumbass stuff. If any MSU fans did go to the library with the intentions of ruining a kids official visit, then that's pretty sad but this is the first I have heard or seen about it and seriously doubt it's true. But since yancy said so, I am sure it's true.
I assume you don't have to
Be 21 to go there right?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Two that had to be evicted for causing a ruckus had State student ID cards. Others with them were also evicted. A bartender told me that.
Originally posted by ranchreb:
Two that had to be evicted for causing a ruckus had State student ID cards. Others with them were also evicted. A bartender told me that.
Ranch, why even try to rationalize with the moron. He will always believe state can do nothing wrong. Just like state doesn't need good athletes to play football like every other college they just coach up the ones that no one wants and make them just as good as the ones with God given talent.

Their hunchback coach takes 6 years to finally get a team in place and still gets dismantled by us. I'm sure there is a really good excuse or rationalization for that too but the bottom line is you can't argue with fools because they have way more practice at it than we do.
What do you expect? this is the same fans that actually stalk our players on vacation and try to engage them in a fight while they have someone film. And those are adult State fans! These idiots think people like coach34 and "rosebowl" actually have intimate knowledge of what goes on at Ole Miss and follow them like a pack of rats following the Pied Piper. They don't care how stupid they look, they just keep on following. Remember two years ago when Robbie Faulk had info from a "reliable source" that the NCAA questioned Jones about Ole Miss recruiting and was about to question the rest of our recruits? We were surly in big trouble. LOL! His source must have been Coach34! Every year they make crazy claims and every year they are wrong.

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