We had self imposed 11


All-Pro NFL
Feb 27, 2002
and 1 year ban so we lose 2 more and 1 more year bowl ban? What's so big about that other than kids can tsf I suppose and not sit out? I thought we kept Luke because the players loved him. You don't leave the one you love do you? Oh well let's sue if the ncaa doesn't go to Starkville and Baton Rouge.
Leave other schools out of this. Ole Miss paid players and had a head coach who was also a pimp. Man up take your medicine.
Where is Blindside? Come out with your know-nothing ass. Even if they transfer, I can live with not going to a bowl game another year hell Nutt didn’t take them to one his last 2 years. I’m content with the punishment
and 1 year ban so we lose 2 more and 1 more year bowl ban?

We'll have clarity when the NCAA makes its announcement, but it appears the 13 schollies mentioned today are in addition to the 11 Ole Miss self-imposed. So you lose 24 total if that's the case. Not sure if the 2 years bowl ban is in addition to the 1 year Ole Miss self-imposed, but it's probable.

IIRC, any player that would be affected by a bowl ban is now free to transfer without penalty.
The bowl ban is an additional 1 year and since it is just that additional one year only players who were juniors when it started can transfer with no penalty. That means Shea, AJ, DK, Little and the rest would have to sit a year if they transfer.

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