Daily recruiting notes are presented by A-1 Discount Tree and Lawn Service. For removal, trimming, stump grinding, demolition and land clearing, call A-1 at 601-981-4900 (tel:601-981-4900) or check out their website www.A1DiscountTree.com (http://www.a1discounttree.com/)
Here's last week's thread, in case you missed it: https://olemiss.forums.rivals.com/t...count-tree-and-lawn-service-oct-23-29.350017/
I've made contact with a few visitors from the weekend, so I'm hoping to have some quotes out for you guys at some point today.
I'm told that both Kewan Lacy and Dre'lon Miller are both scheduled to be in town this weekend. I will continue to monitor that throughout the week.