OT: Life and quality of life can be so fragile

A good friend of mine, 42 years old, who is my sister’s ex brother in law got rearended this past Monday by a Dodge Ram being driven by a 16 year old young man. The 16 yr old was on his phone and never hit his brakes before impact.

My friend, married and father of three and soon to be a first time grandfather, was trapped in the car for two hours. Long story short, he had emergency surgery but the prognosis is he had a sever of the C3 and unless the Lord performs a miracle of miracles, he will never move again from his neck down and will have to live on a ventilator.

Needless to say, the family is devastated. This happened in Hammond, LA. His parents drove down from NC after getting the call of this horrific crash. The family could really use some prayers.
