A wise man once said....

Feb 10, 2007
Amen. Remember when it was just known as a crazy ED conspiracy? They have been charged with FIFTEEN Level I allegations, LACK of INSTITUTIONAL CONTROL, and Hugh Freeze was charged with the worst violation a head coach can receive. They are going to lose close to half their scholarships, and suffer from the penalties over the next decade.

If you are still waiting for IT, you missed it. IT's been here, we are now just waiting to see how bad IT is going to be. Don't let OM fans make you feel like you shouldn't celebrate that they are getting hammered. Don't forget how they have stolen our recruits with booster money, and rubbed it in. Don't forget how they signed top 5 classes and acted like it was only because Oxford was that beautiful. They were arrogant as hell and it has back fired. Rub that shit in, because I can promise you, if the tables were turned, it would be the #1 story in Mississippi everyday for the past 3 years and they would've used their "news outlets" to rub it in publicly and endlessly.

We told them they were cheating, they told us they were not, that they were just that good. Well guess what, we were 17ing right. They were cheating like no other team has this millennium, and even with all of the cheating and top 10 recruiting classes, the numbers don't lie.

Hugh Freeze (2012-2016) : 39-25
Dan Mullen (2012-2016): 40-25

Don't ever forget how bad it bothered them that we were kicking their ass and rubbing it in. Dan rubbed it in and they couldn't stand it, we were supposed to be little brother and weren't allowed to act as if we were better. It bothered them so much that they donated millions of dollars to their football team, so that they could buy some of the best recruits in the country, and expand their shitty little stadium to a bowl because they couldn't stand that we had horseshoed and were on the same level as them. It bothered them so much that we were kicking their ass and rubbing it in that they rushed the freaking field when they finally beat us in 2013 for their 6th win of the season and a Birmingham Bowl birth. Don't let them tell you that they don't care about us or are too good for us. Because they couldn't keep up with us, they cheated their ass off, lied about it like they were just that good of a program and they should be able to sign the #1 WR, #1 DT, and #1 OT in the country in the same year because Oxford is the best town in the world. It was their delusional superiority complex over us that led them to this point, where they are facing the worst sanctions in decades.

Rub that shit in, rub it in hard. They can have fun over there saying "there so obsessed", but no, they are the ones so obsessed that they were willing to blindly cough off millions of their own money so that they could cheat and claim their rightful spot as our superiors. They are so delusional. Now that they are beat, they will act like they don't care. They would rather act like they don't care about football anymore than act like it bothers them that we were right the whole 17ing time, they were cheating there ass off, and we still finished with a better record with our "cute little 30th ranked recruiting classes".

Let them act like they don't care, but just know it is killing them inside, so rub that shit in because it's here and it's going to worse than we could've ever hoped for.
Seriously seek help for your condition, it appears you spent your entire evening on your addiction to Ole Miss and I'm sorry but that is simply unhealthy and not a good way to live.