All the 1 percent talk makes me sick


Two-Star Prospect
Apr 19, 2002
The issue isn't 99 percent versus 1 percent. This is just some crap the Democrats dreamed up to try to associate their party with the "99 percent".

The issue is more like 50/50. The 50 percent of us who work, pay taxes, employ others, run businesses, etc are sick of carrying the 50 percent who are too sorry to work and who have their hands out begging for more government handouts. The sorry individuals who have no problem using the roads and other government services that the other 50 percent pays for - and then think they are entitled to a check for doing nothing on top of that.

2 Thessalonians 3:10 says "If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat."

Helping people who are unable to work is drastically different than helping those who are unwilling. Those who are unwilling do not deserve a hand out. Let the guy who earns the paycheck keep it instead of taking half to give to the government to hand to people who are too sorry to make an effort to support themselves. There is a big difference between unable and unwilling. If a person is willing to work then they will find work - even in this economy. If they are unable then by all means the rest of us should help support them.

It amazes me that the Democrats push so hard to raise taxes on working people but then the Obama administration turns a blind eye to the following situation. Basically they think the government needs more money despite wasting the trillions they already take in.

Need more taxes to cover situations like this
great post ! There is no such thing as this 99%.
This post was edited on 5/19 11:02 PM by THOTH
Let`s see now. The answer to the SS problem is to raise taxes? Also the answer to the medicare problem is guessed it, raise taxes, the answer to the deficit, yep, raise taxes, and the answer to global warming is, yep again, raise taxes. And these taxes are sent to DC to be spent by none other than the very same people who spent all of the taxes before and created all the underfunding problems by spending all the tax increases on pet projects and BS. If the only solution here is raising taxes, we are done for! But wait...some of the people who advocate the tax hikes to solve the problem....don`t even pay their own taxes and then are so smart that they are appointed to be sec of the treasury. The problem here is not that taxes are too low, the problem is that spending is too high and the people in charge are idiots. Some of these clowns even suggested repeal of the second law of thermodynamics because it didn`t suit them! Throw the bums out! ALL of them, now.

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