Liberals need the majority of the voters to be poor in order to stay in power. That's always been their angle, to have as much of the country as possible poor and dependent on big government. That's exactly why they are so lax on border security, they want immigrants flooding in cause as soon as they arrive they'll start giving them government aid and have them hooked in for life as voting democrat. Dems view weak borders as a voter registration drive.
Liberals always claim to be the party of the poor, and that Republicans only care about the rich. Trump was the first candidate in decades that was smart enough to go directly to the poor and ask them 'If Democrats are your champions, how come you stay poor?'
And that's why he won the White House. Democrats will never do anything to help the poor, because without the poor there's no need for big government, and there's no need for democrats.
The party is on the verge of imploding. I love it!