Disney World tragedt


All-Pro NFL
Feb 27, 2002
my married daughter husband and 5 -7 years grand daughters arrived there yest and were in the dining room when it all went bad. Cannot fathom the loss of that unfortunate family. God give them strength.
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And the 2 year old boy who was attacked by an alligator outside Disney. God be with the family of this child as well. Puts things in perspective.
Who in Gods namE fo you think I was referring to?
Sorry zreb, got in a hurry for work, and conversing with my roommate at same time and became distracted. I saw "dining room" and thought you were referring to the shooting at the club. My apologies.
Well if you didn't babble incoherently half the time in your post and actually say what you mean people wouldn't get confused.
Sorry, Zreb.... But this post is dead on the money.

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