Doomsday RN

Let him play, but impose a public service penalty for the right to play. Otherwise the team is hurt by his actions.
As fans I understand your sentiments of allowing him to play, but as a former player, I will say that this is wrong on so many levels and I'll share with you why..

During recruiting, coach Freeze holds his staff and players to a certain standard when speaking to these parents and getting them to trust and believe that he would look after and care for their son. Well if he allows RN to play, that trust and respect from the parents has just blew out the window. Parents begin to wonder what principles are the program ran under.

Secondly, Freeze would lose respect from the team. You have guys like Speaks, Youngblood, Ward, Hamilton, etc guys who are doing the right thing and busting their butts each and everyday who probably have earned those reps in RN absence, feel some type of way because of the one sidedness of Freeze decision. Trust I'm telling you what I know/experienced, not what I think. (Ex. Houston Nutt).

I'll admit that without getting RN, our program wouldn't be where it is but as a coach you have to know where to draw the line. An example needs to be shown. Players who think they are above the team because someone shredded them a God to the program tend to do things on their own and hurt the program (Ex. Pat Patterson). Everyone keeps saying he's a kid. Ok well weeks prior, his brother had just gone through the same thing. How do you not learn from that.

Players transfer because of favoritism. In this case, with recruiting guys wouldn't want to come here if they feel that decisions could be made based off favoritism.
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As fans I understand your sentiments of allowing him to play, but as a former player, I will say that this is wrong on so many levels and I'll share with you why..

During recruiting, coach Freeze holds his staff and players to a certain standard when speaking to these parents and getting them to trust and believe that he would look after and care for their son. Well if he allows RN to play, that trust and respect from the parents has just blew out the window. Parents begin to wonder what principles are the program ran under.

Secondly, Freeze would lose respect from the team. You have guys like Speaks, Youngblood, Ward, Hamilton, etc guys who are doing the right thing and busting their butts each and everyday who probably have earned those reps in RN absence, feel some type of way because of the one sidedness of Freeze decision. Trust I'm telling you what I know/experienced, not what I think. (Ex. Houston Nutt).

I'll admit that without getting RN, our program wouldn't be where it is but as a coach you have to know where to draw the line. An example needs to be shown. Players who think they are above the team because someone shredded them a God to the program tend to do things on their own and hurt the program (Ex. Pat Patterson). Everyone keeps saying he's a kid. Ok well weeks prior, his brother had just gone through the same thing. How do you not learn from that.

Players transfer because of favoritism. In this case, with recruiting guys wouldn't want to come here if they feel that decisions could be made based off favoritism.
Well said, BacktoBackCottonBowls! Couldn't agree more.