
Doesn't really seem like an apology to me. The girl in question and her family were only briefly mentioned and in the most cookie cutter way possible. Most of that "apology" was taken up by trying to convince people of how good a person he really is. In other words, 'believe what I tell you, not what you see'.

People like that have a serious need to get their act together. I hope Simmons does, but I am glad he didn't sign with us. Our coaching staff may be willing (wanting?) to provide guidance in personal morality to their charges (as admirable as that is) but Simmons now shows evidence of being a potential powder keg that may go off and may take an immense amount of counseling/babying to keep him from going ballistic. Is that an unfair evaluation? Maybe. I guess standards and expectations of personal responsibility were just higher in my younger days. I haven't lived up to them at all times but still haven't outgrown them..
I always thought he was a good kid, but good kids don't act like that. I started to wonder when he played CHF and the staff. I don't think his decision was last minute. I think he knew for some time and (maybe at the MSU staff's request?) did it the way he did to make OM look bad. I hope he gets it turned around and grows up, but I have a feeling that this is not the last headline we hear out of this thug.
Check your article and the dates man. This says that seniors were the perps. Oct 2014, that would have been his junior year.
Doesn't really seem like an apology to me. The girl in question and her family were only briefly mentioned and in the most cookie cutter way possible. Most of that "apology" was taken up by trying to convince people of how good a person he really is. In other words, 'believe what I tell you, not what you see'.

People like that have a serious need to get their act together. I hope Simmons does, but I am glad he didn't sign with us. Our coaching staff may be willing (wanting?) to provide guidance in personal morality to their charges (as admirable as that is) but Simmons now shows evidence of being a potential powder keg that may go off and may take an immense amount of counseling/babying to keep him from going ballistic. Is that an unfair evaluation? Maybe. I guess standards and expectations of personal responsibility were just higher in my younger days. I haven't lived up to them at all times but still haven't outgrown them..
He's got some real mental issues.
Doesn't really seem like an apology to me. The girl in question and her family were only briefly mentioned and in the most cookie cutter way possible. Most of that "apology" was taken up by trying to convince people of how good a person he really is. In other words, 'believe what I tell you, not what you see'.

People like that have a serious need to get their act together. I hope Simmons does, but I am glad he didn't sign with us. Our coaching staff may be willing (wanting?) to provide guidance in personal morality to their charges (as admirable as that is) but Simmons now shows evidence of being a potential powder keg that may go off and may take an immense amount of counseling/babying to keep him from going ballistic. Is that an unfair evaluation? Maybe. I guess standards and expectations of personal responsibility were just higher in my younger days. I haven't lived up to them at all times but still haven't outgrown them..
Sure do not need a potential power keg....
I'm glad he didn't sign with Ole Miss. MSU should revoke his scholarship and not allow him to step foot on campus.
I think he will be in $tarkistan come fall. He may eventually do something so over the top that dismissal from the team is no longer Mullet's choice to make, but I don't see MSUx giving a talent like him walking papers unless he sees jail time over the event. At that point they would dismiss him to make the program look better knowing they might as well since he would probably never play a down of college football again.