Freeze from Nero to hero


All-Pro NFL
Feb 27, 2002
In the month of Feb. Losing a big recruit whose name shall not be mentioned again, to landing SP. If that's not going from chicken $hit to chicken $alad I dk what is.
Originally posted by zreb:
In the month of Feb. Losing a big recruit whose name shall not be mentioned again, to landing SP. If that's not going from chicken $hit to chicken $alad I dk what is.
And...according to ranchreb...Leo Lewis has some serious issues with grades. How fitting that he may have to go the junior college route. By the time he gets his grades up, he'll be begging to come to Ole Miss. Cases in point: Jeremy Liggins/Anthony Alford
Some programs are willing to pay a "handler/recruiting service.. Some aren't. Personally, I hope Freeze doesn't stoop that low even if it costs us talent. That's what got Oregon in trouble. Auburn has always done it and I know of Bama doing it a few years ago and willing to do it again. . Now State is doing it.

This post was edited on 2/19 9:34 AM by ranchreb
freeze signs a good player that was committed to another school and he is all star recruiter, MSU on the other hand, rarely ever flips players from other schools and one time a big time player flips to MSU from Ole miss and we are using "handlers" now. In the words of your saint Richard Cross, " you can be the type that thinks no one cheats, you can be the type that thinks everyone cheats but you can't be the guy who says, my school is squeaky clean and everyone else is dirty."
Stop being that guy ranch. Last time I checked ole miss
Is STILL under investigation for the football program. Maybe it is things that happened before freeze got there but until the official investigation is over, no one knows for sure.
Get off your high horse and stop accusing everyone else when ole miss is one of the dirtiest programs in the country. Top 5
How many coaches have to hire the brother to sign a top prospect? Shea Patterson, isn't coming there unless freeze hires his brother. Guess since freeze was hired by Orgeron as a package deal to get "Blindside Mike" I should have expected Rev Freeze to use that same shady as hell tactic. Going to be harder and harder to
Convince everyone he walks on water if he keeps doing these things with the winning at all costs mentality.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Ole Miss hasn't been investigated for anything since the 2013 recruiting class was looked into and no charges were brought. No NCAA investigator has been on campus since. Only our women's basketball program was found of any wrong doing and that was though an internal investigation and we self imposed some penalties to the satisfaction of the NCAA. State was actually investigated and found guilty of wrongdoing and received some penalties a couple of years ago. One of the violations was paying recruits NOT to visit Ole Miss and State owned up to that. Ole Miss has not been penalized by the NCAA for any football recruiting violations since Brewer was head coach. State has been penalized three times since Ole Miss has. You need to come here for the truth and not rely on those lying "journalist" who run the State websites.

How are the handlers supposed to work and how do they actually appear to work? Don't know anything about them but it looks as if potential abuse can occur.

We are better at manners, arithmetic, science, cleanlines(the list goes on) but carryin out the trash, you da best! But of we wanted to cheat, and we wouldn't because it's wrong and would lower us to your class, we could of course be better,don't ya see?

This post was edited on 2/21 7:40 PM by zreb

This post was edited on 2/21 11:07 PM by zreb
State is certainly sloppy in their cheating. It's been known for years that you pay recruits $3500 cash when they commit and another $1000 payment when they say they are going to visit Ole Miss and don't. I knew of some things that were going on during Nutt's tenure but nothing since. I'll bet no more than 20% of our football players own cars and they are pieces of junk. Neither Knemdiche owns a vehicle. I'd bet if you would compare speeding to cheating Ole Miss and State would be driving 75 in a 70 zone compared to Auburn driving 100. Neither Ole Miss not State have thr boosters to keep up with Auburn or Bama. LSU has the simplest cheating method. No money up front and $1000 a week thereafter.
What is sad is everyone knows it is going on and everyone points the finger like they're as pure and white as snow
They also excel at GOING TO HELL, at the request of a great cheer!
It's not well known that MSU pays recruits $3500 and more
To not visit ole miss. Just because one booster who was disassociated with MSU did it one time, you act like it's happening everytime. There are a select few ole miss homers who have made this up. We have also heard the same thing about ole miss paying kids to visit and the we see kids on official visits to ole miss tweeting wads of cash. Look I know it's happening at ole miss,
You know it's happening, the whole world knows it's happening. Ole miss has a great deal going on, their compliance dept is all in as well, they lawyer up and basically denies anything and tells the NCAA to prove it, which of course they cant. MSU on the other hand turned themselves in for a very minor infraction years ago for
Something the ncaa had no way of proving. Things ole miss would have laughed at and never self reports. That's where ole miss
Has us beat. You can snicker and act like "the network" is a big joke and make sarcastic comments but it's happening. Anyone on here who thinks ole miss is squeaky clean while MSU is paying kids $3500 cash to Visit is naive. Also anyone on this site who thinks ranch is in the know is a moron.
He gets his info straight from yancy porter. Every time yancy lies
About something, ranch is on here saying the exact same
Thing. Get a grip man, you are
Too old for this stuff.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
no one should be so naive as to think that their school only loses prospects to a rival school because they are paid. DCC you are culprit #1 though. OM a top 5 cheating program? Give me a break. Come on here and try to defend The Network and you lose all credibility from the outset. Are you really in an ivory tower because MSU's cheating was SO egregious that they had to admit to it? If anything you're just making the point that MSU cheats worse than OM.
No he is just that stupid and loves to come over here and take his poundings like his puppies do on the field, the court and soon to be the diamond lol.
Originally posted by jdpa333:
no one should be so naive as to think that their school only loses prospects to a rival school because they are paid. DCC you are culprit #1 though. OM a top 5 cheating program? Give me a break. Come on here and try to defend The Network and you lose all credibility from the outset. Are you really in an ivory tower because MSU's cheating was SO egregious that they had to admit to it? If anything you're just making the point that MSU cheats worse than OM.
Have you ever seen conspiracy theory

Dude, you are paranoid. Why don't you give names of this network. Come on. This is your chance to expose the "network". You sound like a certifiable nut job. Your telling people on this board to get a life. ...good Lord. I have to say at least you're entertaining but also sad because it's obvious you really mean what you say

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