Has there been a team meeting?


All-Pro NFL
Feb 27, 2002
If not let me suggest we do. Losing by 4 tds isn't rebelesque to my way of thinking. They need to forget about the draft except for the one we are left in when opposing teams blow by us. End of rhetoric and begin being men. Walk the damn walk! This is as bad as tcu except worse because we are "suppose" to be better!
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If not let me suggest we do. Losing by 4 tds isn't rebelesque to my way of thinking. They need to forget about the draft except for the one we are left in when opposing teams blow by us. End of rhetoric and begin being men. Walk the damn walk! This is as bad as tcu except worse because we are "suppose" to be better!

zreb...I posed this question on another thread: is the poor performance of the defense related to the absence of Tom Allen (now the defensive coach for Univ. of South Florida)?
If not let me suggest we do. Losing by 4 tds isn't rebelesque to my way of thinking. They need to forget about the draft except for the one we are left in when opposing teams blow by us. End of rhetoric and begin being men. Walk the damn walk! This is as bad as tcu except worse because we are "suppose" to be better!
Yes, they are meeting for practice everyday!
I never heard anything about Tom unil he was gone, I first doubted Womack then came to the conclusion that he could coach better talent which I am now discarding as too much kool ade. We've been on the s end if the stick of too any runaways to my liking.