Hope Shea can play '18


All-Pro NFL
Feb 27, 2002
He helped bring us a bunch of talent and I'm grateful. Harbaugh is hum-hawing that he doesn't know (wink wink) but he will of course get to play (Mars isn't suing). I don't want us to hold him back or any others who opted out of our program. We gotta do what we gotta do!
He helped bring us a bunch of talent and I'm grateful. Harbaugh is hum-hawing that he doesn't know (wink wink) but he will of course get to play (Mars isn't suing). I don't want us to hold him back or any others who opted out of our program. We gotta do what we gotta do!
All’s well that ends well.
He helped bring us a bunch of talent and I'm grateful. Harbaugh is hum-hawing that he doesn't know (wink wink) but he will of course get to play (Mars isn't suing). I don't want us to hold him back or any others who opted out of our program. We gotta do what we gotta do!

Hope he does well in the future, however I never saw him play well against a good football team. He did beat a declining TX A&M in 2016, but so did everyone else at the end of the year. He rang up huge numbers against the sisters of the poor and power house Vandy. He looked like a high school kid that didn't need to be on the field against LSU and AL. Jordan Ta’amu was much more in control when he took over for Shea against LSU. If he had stayed I'm not sure if he would have gotten the starting nod in 2018. We will never know for sure.
Hope he does well in the future, however I never saw him play well against a good football team. He did beat a declining TX A&M in 2016, but so did everyone else at the end of the year. He rang up huge numbers against the sisters of the poor and power house Vandy. He looked like a high school kid that didn't need to be on the field against LSU and AL. Jordan Ta’amu was much more in control when he took over for Shea against LSU. If he had stayed I'm not sure if he would have gotten the starting nod in 2018. We will never know for sure.

Taamu only faced two ranked teams this year and didn't play that well against either:

LSU - 7 of 11 passing 78 yards and 0 TDs
Miss State - 10 of 22 passing 247 yards and 2 TDs and 1 INT
Taamu only faced two ranked teams this year and didn't play that well against either:

LSU - 7 of 11 passing 78 yards and 0 TDs
Miss State - 10 of 22 passing 247 yards and 2 TDs and 1 INT

Listen. Troll, and you are the definition of troll, he played very well against cow college. He did EXACYTLY what he needed to do to win that game. He executed the game plan of throwing the ball deep and often. When anyone does that there will SOME incomplete passes. He hit on the long passes primarily to a fella named, AJ Brown. You may know AJ. Did you hear anything about any recognition AJ might have received. Who do you think facilitated AJ in the two games mentioned? Hmm, hmmm? Did you not see the long passes he threw down the field. Great touch and on the money on most.

Against tremendous pressure from LSU he was able to the lead the Rebels to 17 points against them. Good grief you do understand Ole Miss had inferior players across the field. AS I already stated LSU manhandled Shea.

People, YOU, can take any player, team, and result and spin it any way you want. You are the ULTIMATE SPINNER, because as the Ole Miss Troll, you are only here to spin things bad for Ole Miss. What? You think anybody here thinks you come here to say things pro Ole Miss. Because you are an Ole Miss HATER I feel confident you serve no value to Ole Miss on this board. You are not just a troll, but a stupid troll. I don't mean that in a mean way, I just mean, to only paint Jordan Ta’amu as having bad games against cow college, and Lsu is just certified stupid.

You really should feel stupid even though I don't expect you to admit it. The length of time it took you to respond to my post is further evidence of your trolldom.

Look forward to all your nice Ole Miss comments, troll, and furthermore, I hope some how, some way, I have made your day just a little better. Tis the season. Troll on troller. YOU'RE CERTIFIED NOW!!!!
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Certified dumbasshole whose father was obviously a bachelor.
Hope he does well in the future, however I never saw him play well against a good football team. He did beat a declining TX A&M in 2016, but so did everyone else at the end of the year. He rang up huge numbers against the sisters of the poor and power house Vandy. He looked like a high school kid that didn't need to be on the field against LSU and AL. Jordan Ta’amu was much more in control when he took over for Shea against LSU. If he had stayed I'm not sure if he would have gotten the starting nod in 2018. We will never know for sure.

Listen. Troll, and you are the definition of troll, he played very well against cow college. He did EXACYTLY what he needed to do to win that game. He executed the game plan of throwing the ball deep and often. When anyone does that there will SOME incomplete passes. He hit on the long passes primarily to a fella named, AJ Brown. You may know AJ. Did you hear anything about any recognition AJ might have received. Who do you think facilitated AJ in the two games mentioned? Hmm, hmmm? Did you not see the long passes he threw down the field. Great touch and on the money on most.

Against tremendous pressure from LSU he was able to the lead the Rebels to 17 points against them. Good grief you do understand Ole Miss had inferior players across the field. AS I already stated LSU manhandled Shea.

People, YOU, can take any player, team, and result and spin it any way you want. You are the ULTIMATE SPINNER, because as the Ole Miss Troll, you are only here to spin things bad for Ole Miss. What? You think anybody here thinks you come here to say things pro Ole Miss. Because you are an Ole Miss HATER I feel confident you serve no value to Ole Miss on this board. You are not just a troll, but a stupid troll. I don't mean that in a mean way, I just mean, to only paint Jordan Ta’amu as having bad games against cow college, and Lsu is just certified stupid.

You really should feel stupid even though I don't expect you to admit it. The length of time it took you to respond to my post is further evidence of your trolldom.

Look forward to all your nice Ole Miss comments, troll, and furthermore, I hope some how, some way, I have made your day just a little better. Tis the season. Troll on troller. YOU'RE CERTIFIED NOW!!!!

Did you actually read what you posted here? You first cherry-picked Shea's performances, then when the same criteria was applied to Taamu, you got hysterical and said that you can't do that. After you did with Shea.

Why are YOU here? Is it just to be a blind homer for Ole Miss, and if anyone presents actual facts you start screaming?

Try being a more objective Ole Miss fan.
Did you actually read what you posted here? You first cherry-picked Shea's performances, then when the same criteria was applied to Taamu, you got hysterical and said that you can't do that. After you did with Shea.

Why are YOU here? Is it just to be a blind homer for Ole Miss, and if anyone presents actual facts you start screaming?

Try being a more objective Ole Miss fan.

Common sense is a great thing. I have an overwhelming amount of it, and I BELIEVE you are not blessed with it. You clearly lack the ability to interpret information, facts, as it relates to results. Objectivity for some equals insanity. Give that a closer look. OUR starting qb played well against your cow college and admirably against LSU. You wouldn't know objectivity if it bit you in the ass.

I have personally never read a positive statement you have ever made regarding Ole Miss. And you love talking Ole Miss. We know what your main OBJECTIVE is here and to argue with you about why you are here would be stupid on my part. THAT is who I am not. Based on your history it would make no sense for me to ever discuss anything Ole Miss with you, the CERTIFIED OLE MISS TROLL.

I promise you I will never attempt an OBJECTIVE conversation you. You REALLY aren't worth it. AND as far you telling ME what to do on this board, dream on CERTIFIED OLE MIS TROLL. Btw, you are going to continue to do that thing you always do here, right?

I BELIEVE if you were blessed with quite a bit more common sense you would understand, however, at this point, I REALLY don't care, and it's unlikely I ever will.

Hope Shea can play '18
Discussion in 'Hotty Toddy Talk' started by zreb, Dec 20, 2017.

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  1. zrebAll-Pro NFL
    Feb 27, 2002
    Likes Received:
    He helped bring us a bunch of talent and I'm grateful. Harbaugh is hum-hawing that he doesn't know (wink wink) but he will of course get to play (Mars isn't suing). I don't want us to hold him back or any others who opted out of our program. We gotta do what we gotta do!

    1 zreb, Dec 20, 2017
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  2. ranchrebAll-Pro NFL
    Gold Member

    Jan 30, 2004
    Likes Received:

    He helped bring us a bunch of talent and I'm grateful. Harbaugh is hum-hawing that he doesn't know (wink wink) but he will of course get to play (Mars isn't suing). I don't want us to hold him back or any others who opted out of our program. We gotta do what we gotta do!
    All’s well that ends well.

    2 ranchreb, Dec 20, 2017
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  3. OmoplataStarting Ole Miss Quarterback
    Dec 20, 2004
    Likes Received:
    go Shea but Ssean can eat a bag o D**ks

    3 Omoplata, Dec 20, 2017
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  4. olemiss11
    Feb 19, 2015
    Likes Received:
    I also hope he does well. Good person.

    4 olemiss11, Dec 21, 2017
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  5. SallyGail
    Aug 28, 2017
    Likes Received:

    He helped bring us a bunch of talent and I'm grateful. Harbaugh is hum-hawing that he doesn't know (wink wink) but he will of course get to play (Mars isn't suing). I don't want us to hold him back or any others who opted out of our program. We gotta do what we gotta do!
    Hope he does well in the future, however I never saw him play well against a good football team. He did beat a declining TX A&M in 2016, but so did everyone else at the end of the year. He rang up huge numbers against the sisters of the poor and power house Vandy. He looked like a high school kid that didn't need to be on the field against LSU and AL. Jordan Ta’amu was much more in control when he took over for Shea against LSU. If he had stayed I'm not sure if he would have gotten the starting nod in 2018. We will never know for sure.

    5 SallyGail, Today at 5:11 PM
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  6. BlindsideHecklerRed-Shirt Freshman
    Dec 14, 2014
    Likes Received:

    Hope he does well in the future, however I never saw him play well against a good football team. He did beat a declining TX A&M in 2016, but so did everyone else at the end of the year. He rang up huge numbers against the sisters of the poor and power house Vandy. He looked like a high school kid that didn't need to be on the field against LSU and AL. Jordan Ta’amu was much more in control when he took over for Shea against LSU. If he had stayed I'm not sure if he would have gotten the starting nod in 2018. We will never know for sure.
    Click to expand...
    Taamu only faced two ranked teams this year and didn't play that well against either:

    LSU - 7 of 11 passing 78 yards and 0 TDs
    Miss State - 10 of 22 passing 247 yards and 2 TDs and 1 INT

    6 BlindsideHeckler, 55 minutes ago
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  7. SallyGail
    Aug 28, 2017
    Likes Received:

    Taamu only faced two ranked teams this year and didn't play that well against either:

    LSU - 7 of 11 passing 78 yards and 0 TDs
    Miss State - 10 of 22 passing 247 yards and 2 TDs and 1 INT
    Listen. Troll, and you are the definition of troll, he played very well against cow college. He did EXACYTLY what he needed to do to win that game. He executed the game plan of throwing the ball deep and often. When anyone does that there will SOME incomplete passes. He hit on the long passes primarily to a fella named, AJ Brown. You may know AJ. Did you hear anything about any recognition AJ might have received. Who do you think facilitated AJ in the two games mentioned? Hmm, hmmm? Did you not see the long passes he threw down the field. Great touch and on the money on most.

    Against tremendous pressure from LSU he was able to the lead the Rebels to 17 points against LSU. Good grief you do understand Ole Miss had inferior players across the field. AS I already stated LSU manhandled Shea.

    People, YOU, can take any player, team, and result and spin it any way you want. You are the ULTIMATE SPINNER, because as the Ole Miss Troll, you are only here to spin things bad for Ole Miss. What? You think anybody here thinks you come here to say things pro Ole Miss. Because you are an Ole Miss HATER I feel confident you serve no value to Ole Miss on this board. You are not just a troll, but a stupid troll. I don't mean that in a mean way, I just mean, to only paint Jordan Ta’amu as having bad games against cow college, and Lsu is just certified stupid.

    You really should feel stupid even though I don't expect you to admit it. The length of time it took you to respond to my post is further evidence of your trolldom.

    Look forward to all your nice Ole Miss comments, troll, and furthermore, I hope some how, some way, I have made your day just a little better. Tis the season. Troll on troller. YOUR CERTIFIED NOW
are clearly butt hurt and I don't blame.

The main fact, which you have demonstrated over and over is

Of course you don't get it.
LOL What a trainwreck.
Good to see it has embraced its status as CERTIFIED OLE MISS TROLL. Further verification of why it is here. It has many friends. Now that's hilarious! It is not just stupid, but a liar. OBJECTIVITY NOW! Such a farce is it.

I have yet to post anything that wasn't absolutely true. You are an easy troll to access.
He embraces being a troll like a dog who rolls in doo.
I think it is great to know what the CERTIFIED OLE MISS TROLL is. It is a hoot now. Absolutely great! I single handily accomplished exactly what I set out to do, which was to establish it as a troll and let the fool go. Now everyone can see there is zero credibility(i know everybody knew. However, I sliced it up and put it on paper)with it. We can sit back and let it go now. Kinda like winding a wacky top up and letting it spin. Zreb, don't every underestimate the power of common sense. You can conquer a maroon moron without them even knowing it.

No accountability, no credibility, no sensibility and the lack of self respect have all been successively established.

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