when I read this!!!!
FREEZE AND MASON FORM FRIENDSHIP: Vanderbilt head coach Derek Mason struggled through a 3-9 season during his first year in Nashville.
During that trying time that included no SEC victories, Mason and Freeze talked multiple times.
"He and I have a lot of the same core values," Freeze said. "We believe the same way about what coaching is and what you should do with that platform and that purpose you have in dealing with young men.
Please tell me that Freeze and Mcelwwain are not "friends".... Every time Freeze says this, we get taken to the woodshed.
FREEZE AND MASON FORM FRIENDSHIP: Vanderbilt head coach Derek Mason struggled through a 3-9 season during his first year in Nashville.
During that trying time that included no SEC victories, Mason and Freeze talked multiple times.
"He and I have a lot of the same core values," Freeze said. "We believe the same way about what coaching is and what you should do with that platform and that purpose you have in dealing with young men.
Please tell me that Freeze and Mcelwwain are not "friends".... Every time Freeze says this, we get taken to the woodshed.