I know it's a larger scale undertaking but they have the manpower to do it and/or make it a class project for the proper group. ADKC and Co. should grid off the Grove/Circle into certain sized plots and price them according to location with donation levels and weekly costs. That would leave outer areas at a weekly near to free or free with a small annual donation. The spots along the Walk of Champions and all corner plots should be the most expensive in their respective size groups but should come in a variety of sizes. Give each plot an "address" so folks can invite guests to their tents and grid it off in a way to create neighborhoods or group areas where several groups can commit to an oversized area so they know who their neighbors are every week.
It's the best way to maximize money and give fans the feeling that their donations are actually going toward something worthwhile... no matter who you are, you've had the feeling of some group encroaching on your space before and this way does totally away with that.
It's the best way to maximize money and give fans the feeling that their donations are actually going toward something worthwhile... no matter who you are, you've had the feeling of some group encroaching on your space before and this way does totally away with that.