I've not read the Art of the Deal, so please help me out with the next move.
Evidently Kim not wanting to fill in the blanks on the historic agreement from June.
Do we return to maximum pressure.
China willing to help, even with trade war?
European allies willing to help, after being trashed at the G7 meeting and having a finger stuck in their eye with the Putin meeting right after a round of golf after the NATO meeting.
Maybe Putin will be able to help with the game plan - after all, he is "folks"
I understand this is 10 dimensional chess being played while most of us can barely play checkers.
What is it going to take to wake the true believers up?
On the positive side, the Faustian bargain of another Supreme Court judge.
Evidently Kim not wanting to fill in the blanks on the historic agreement from June.
Do we return to maximum pressure.
China willing to help, even with trade war?
European allies willing to help, after being trashed at the G7 meeting and having a finger stuck in their eye with the Putin meeting right after a round of golf after the NATO meeting.
Maybe Putin will be able to help with the game plan - after all, he is "folks"
I understand this is 10 dimensional chess being played while most of us can barely play checkers.
What is it going to take to wake the true believers up?
On the positive side, the Faustian bargain of another Supreme Court judge.