Mullens stays


All-Pro NFL
Feb 27, 2002
IMHO he's making a lot more than some more prestigious schools can afford and more importantly, his phone isn't ringing. If he leaves it will be for less money I predict. That said he is a good coach and responsible for Meyers success at fl but he must have terminal halitosis cuz nobody wants to talk to him.
IMHO he's making a lot more than some more prestigious schools can afford and more importantly, his phone isn't ringing. If he leaves it will be for less money I predict. That said he is a good coach and responsible for Meyers success at fl but he must have terminal halitosis cuz nobody wants to talk to him.
How do you figure he was responsible for Meyer's success at Fla? Seems like Meyer is doing just fine w/o him. Isn't Meyer like 37 and 2 at OSU without him?
I hope Mullethead never leaves MS STake...He's a good coach, overall, and has made the Egg Bowl a lot more interesting than his predecessors, with his off the field rhetoric and competitive teams.


How do you figure he was responsible for Meyer's success at Fla? Seems like Meyer is doing just fine w/o him. Isn't Meyer like 37 and 2 at OSU without him?
OSU is osu And plays maybe 2 games a year. Mullens wAs the offensive genius and Meyer was having mental breakdowns . His departure was pathetic and is like to know be truth behind it but regardless Mullens was a key to the success at fl.
What Mullet has done at M$U has been nothing short of amazing. I mean he seems to run a mostly clean program. Considering his recruiting classes never seem to be highly regarded at the time of signing. He still makes them competitive. Who else could do that at $tate. Ole Miss may be as small with a similar budget, but the University and town have a strong charm about it. I don't think even Freeze could recruit to the dump that is $tarkistan.
He needs to learn to control his mouth and maybe a top tier program will hire him. If he leaves I suspect they go after Hudspeth. He may not have had a great year, but he is a solid coach.
i think myers left florida because he just didn't like the competition in the sec. i predict that as they get better coaches and become more competitive in the big 10. he will suddenly get the urge to retire again. what a jerk.
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He lost Tebow and hadn't restocked . He's a buttwipe always was always will be.
If Mullens did in fact interview at Miami, there's proof he will work for less$ just to escape. He would likely succeed there too.
If Mullens did in fact interview at Miami, there's proof he will work for less$ just to escape. He would likely succeed there too.
He did interview, it's common knowledge along with Greg Shiano and Butch Jones. Richt is supposed to meet with them today.
Wonder what MO could pay? Mullens could escape the west for a team where the is no in state rival. They def need some offense too.
If i were a betting man, the only place that would offer him would be Maryland and i don't know that he would go. He is probably stuck in the land fun forgot to get skull drug by us again next year.
All the coaches that have been through Miami had a common problem. Miami attract's, for some reason, thug players. Even Erickson couldn't control them. The Miami night life and other elements keep them out late and they are exposed to unbelievable temptations. When coach "O" was there as a younger man he was perfect for them. Brawling in the bars, recruiting players to keep them from going to jail. The University is a good school. No question about it. Any coach they hire needs to be a strong leader. The problem several coaches had was that when they put restrictions on them they just quit. Its a different place in football.
Mullen will be the next coach at Penn State. He was born in Pa. He went to small school in Pa and his dad is a PSU grad.