I'm refreshing my pans and looking for stainless steel fry pans and deep saute pan. I use a carbon steel and cast iron pan for many applications, but want to incorporate stainless steel pans more for things i used to use a coated pan for. I may keep one ceramic pan around for eggs or something but mostly want to get away from any coated pans.
I'm curious if anyone on here has a brand or set they have really enjoyed that has held up well. I would prefer made in america, france, or anywhere else but china.
If you're pro-ceramic, I'd love to hear your thoughts as to why as well.
I'm curious if anyone on here has a brand or set they have really enjoyed that has held up well. I would prefer made in america, france, or anywhere else but china.
If you're pro-ceramic, I'd love to hear your thoughts as to why as well.