What are you looking for in the Wake game?

I have to be honest. This game concerns me after watching our secondary in the MTSU game. They had receivers running free through our secondary.

I want to see more plays from Chris Hardie and Chris Graves.

It is essential we get to their big QB. We need to knock him off his game. If he is able to relax and stand there, he will pick us apart.

I want to see tough inside running from our guys. More reps from RB Amos

Getting Scott and possibly Warren back should help with our inside running. Hope everyone comes out of this game healthy.
I want to see what we look like in man against more capable WRs. I want to see the communication on defense continue to be great. I want to see the running game evolve. I want to Jaxson continue to be sharp.
The equipment manager(s) freaking out—tryin
Like Hell to make sure everyone has on the proper CLEATS…
Bentley stop being a little B and be the player we know he can be.

Also, Kiffin pull starters quickly if/ when game gets out of hand. Don’t want Walter Nolan in game up 40+ getting scares.
For me to ride the peloton while I watch on my phone - also no injuries - oh and for the women at the gym to be emotionally distant and have significant monthly alimony coming there way 😜
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I doubt this game will look like that one. Geoff Collins was one of the worst head coaches I’ve ever seen. He made Matt Luke look like Vince Lombardi. His team had completely quit on him. Wake, on the other hand is very well coached just over matched. We will win handily but I suspect they will keep it interesting for awhile.
I agree that Tech team is not the same caliber as this Wake team. This OM team is also much much better than the team we had two years ago, which is why I suspect it to look and feel like that GA Tech game from two years ago.
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I’ll be watching the secondary and defensive line mostly. Wake gave up 6 sacks to Virginia and we need the secondary to clean it up from last weekend
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What’s the deal with the line movement? Continues to drop and is now at -20.5
Bettors heard that Winston-Salem is closer to Gainesville than Oxford, so after the game, Kiffin is just going to walk from from their to UF for the head coaching job. So they are betting Lane will spend most of the game looking at Google maps and not what is happening on the field