Wrestlemania 35 Predictions (Very Long)


SEC Champion
Gold Member
Jul 26, 2013
This post is going to be very long, but I like to write, and I wanted to write a detailed prediction. No one is forcing you to read any of this, so don't if you don't want to. We can skip the smart a$$ comments. Wrestlemania is by far my favorite live event of the year, and I have watched every Mania live every year since 1994, when I was 6 years old. The card is absolutely stacked. This show has the star-power to be an instant classic. The success or failure of the show solely rests on Vincent McMahon, and how he handles a few key decisions. There are 3 potential "Feel-Good" moments on the card, but there is no chance in hell Vince will allow all 3 to happen. At least one, but probably 2 stars are getting screwed out of their Wrestlemania moment. Personally, I found this show to be the hardest to predict in recent memory. That is a good thing though. The 16 matches are in order from worst to best, in my opinion of course. I went 12/14 in predictions last year.

16. Women's Battle Royale
Personally, I enjoy these matches as long as they don't interfere with the flow of the main card. This match being on the kick-off show is the perfect spot for it. Charlotte taking the Women's Smackdown Championship from Asuka a few weeks ago was a crime. Asuka should be in a singles match defending the championship. Unfortunately, one of the most dynamic women in the WWE is delegated to the pre-show. Asuka and Mandy Rose will cancel each other out, opening the door for The Southern Bell, Lacy Evans to steal a win. Her massive push starts tonight.
Prediction: Lacy Evans

15. WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Buddy Murphy (C) Vs. Tony Nese
Every single person on the 205 Live roster is being wasted by the WWE. If Vince allowed half of what the little guys can do, they would steal the show nearly every PPV. It makes more sense for Nese to win because 205 Live has a huge Face/Heel Imbalance. Nese winning would set the stage for 205 Live for the next year easy. However, Murphy's title reign does not end in Brooklyn.
Prediction: Buddy Murphy

14. Men's Battle Royale
The SNL crew and Braun Strowman have been locked in a puzzling feud for a few weeks now. Why Braun Doesn't have a more prominent role for the 2nd year in a row at the Show of Shows is criminal. He has been comedic relief, which makes no sense. But I digress. I think Vince sees Braun as this generations Undertaker. Always a top guy, but never "The Guy." Strowman will eliminate himself chasing around the SNL crew, which will be a theme all night. 29 of the 30 entrants have been announced. The winner is "Mystery" entrant number 30.
Prediction: Lars Sullivan

13. Raw Tag-Team Championship: The Revival (C) Vs. Zack Ryder/Curt Hawkins
A very late addition to the card, this title match does little to excite the masses. What Vince has done to The Revival is one of the worst botches in the companies history. Vince has quickly thrown away all of HHH's hard work, and turned one of NXT's best all time tag-teams into a joke. Meanwhile Hawkins is riding a 267 match losing streak. There is only one reason I can think of why this match was added to the card. Really Vince? No build what-so-ever to a historic streak coming to an end?
Prediction: Zack Ryder/Curt Hawkins

12. Kurt Angle Vs. Baron Corbin
What? Perplexing is the only word that comes to mind in trying to describe this decision. Kurt's health has gone downhill fast. There is no question that it is past time for him to retire. Angle actually looked pretty good during his limited time last year, but his matches over the last few weeks have proven that he is in major pain. Hats off buddy, you are clearly one the the best all time. Normally you retire on your back, its like an unspoken rule. But I believe Kurt bucks this trend. Lets ALL hope this is not Angle's real farewell match.
Prediction: Kurt Angle
Bonus Prediction: Kurt Angle over John Cena (if it happens)

11. Randy Orton Vs. AJ Styles
The WWE has done a tremendous job with the story telling of this match. Old school promos mixed with well timed action. The RKO out of nowhere to counter the phenomenal fore-arm during Smackdown is one of the best spots in recent memory. I think this match is 50-50. Very hard to predict. All that means is that the WWE did its job well.
Prediction: AJ Styles

10. United States Championship: Somoa Joe (C) Vs. Rey Mysterio
Rey got banged up a few weeks ago, so it is unclear if Rey will be Joe's opponent or not. I am just glad Joe is healthy and able to compete this year. Injury has sidelined him for Mania the past 2 years. The US Championship has been a game of Hot-Potato for months on end, and it has killed any meaning of holding the title. I believe Joe is the perfect person to hold the belt for a lengthy amount of time.
Prediction: Samoa Joe

9. Shane McMahon Vs. The Miz: Street Fight
I sort-of wish these two would have stayed a tag team for a bit longer than they did. They actually had good in-ring chemistry together. I confess that I thought the Miz was going to turn heel. The Miz is at his best as a heel without question. The story they have told is meh at best, with the highlight of the feud being when Shane called The Miz's dad a "potato-head." The only real question is what will Shane jump off of?
Prediction: Potato Head Junior (Miz)

8. WWE Intercontinental Championship: Bobby Lashley (C) Vs. "Demon" Finn Balor
Whenever Finn takes his demon form, it should be kept a secret up until the moment of the match. Finn Balor is undefeated in his demon persona in the WWE and Lashley will not be the opponent that breaks that record. This has got to be the 10th time we have seen this match, and it is really old. This feud desperately needs to end tonight, regardless of the outcome. With 13 matches on the main card, a few of the matches have to be short. I think its a squash match. Will Lashley even last 3 minutes?
Prediction: Finn Balor

7. Women's Tag-Team Championship: Sasha Banks/Bayley (C) Vs. Tamina/Nia Jax Vs. Natalya/Beth Phoenix Vs. The Iconics
Thank God The Riott Squad was not included in this match. Between the Boss and Hug Connection (Worst name ever?) and Natalya, we have easily seen those matches in 50 different variations. Beth Phoenix surprised me with here strength and agility in the ring last week, and it is clear the Glamazon hasn't lost a step. Hopefully Beth sticks around for a little while. The women's tag team division needs some credibility, and she provides it. Tamina is as bad as it gets. I'm not sure she knows how to execute a proper spot, and she should be limited to the most basic of moves before she gets someone seriously injured. There is one team that is being over-looked, and they will be over-looked for the duration of the match, right up until the end. I probably have this one wrong, its just a gut feeling I have.
Prediction: The Iconics

6. WWE Smackdown Tag-Team Championship: The Usos (C) Vs. Ricochet/Allister Black Vs. The Bar Vs. Rusev/Shinsuke Nakamora
I am extremely high on this match simply because of The Usos. The Usos just signed a new 5-year deal earlier this weeks, and that should provide some extra incentive for the under-rated tag team. Their matches seem to always steal the show, every time they are given a proper match. Ricochet and Allister Black have been extremely compatible with each other, despite vastly different styles. After providing a 4-Star match with the War-Raiders at NXT Takeover New York Friday night, the unusual team will be a force in this match. Hopefully the WWE treats Ricochet with the respect that he deserves. The man is a bona-fide star, with a move set that is unmatched on the main roster. If not, hopefully he realizes it in enough time, and we get to see his full arsenal in New Japan Wrestling. The same can not be said for Rusev and Nakamora however. They cannot get on the same page, and at times their matches are hard to watch. They do not have any chemistry, and I'm personally hoping this is the last time we see them together as a tag team.
Prediction: The Usos

5. Roman Reigns Vs. Drew McIntyre
I am so damn proud of the WWE for not immediately shoving Reigns into the Universal Championship scene after his return from Leukemia. For the record, I do NOT believe that his time away was a work by the WWE. The WWE Universe would have staged riots if he would have been included in that bout. Reigns is my personal favorite on the main roster, and has been for several years. But even I do not want Reigns anywhere near Lesnar or the Universal Championship until Brock loses the belt. WWE: if you want Reigns to be the companies next Hogan/Stone Cold/Cena, then never again pit Reigns and Lesnar against each other. You have your wish WWE, Roman is over, don't screw it up. I believe Drew is a future star. He literally has everything you could hope for in a champion. He should receive a push sometime later this year, (Summerslam, I'm looking at you) but now is not the time.
Prediction: Roman Reigns

4. HHH Vs. Batista: No Holds Barred
Ill be honest: I have no idea what the difference is between a No DQ match and a No Holds Barred Match, but I am definitely looking forward to it. HHH's in-ring career is on the line, not that that means anything. Batista was awesome at Wrestlemania 30 after time off, so I expect Batista to deliver a solid performance. The match absolutely has a chance to be a show-stealer. It all hinges on how far the WWE execs are willing to go. How quick does the sledge hammer come out? How long with HHH's entrance be?
Prediction: HHH

3. WWE Universal Championship: Brock Lesnar (C) Vs. Seth Rollins
As I said before, thank God Roman Reigns was not thrust into this match. I truly believe peoples heads would have exploded. Brock is officially returning to the octagon in August, so some time off seems inevitable so he can get into shape. Brock is still scheduled to attend the upcoming PPV in the East in two months, and I think that telegraphs the match's ending. Seth has genuinely carried Monday night Raw for the past 18 months despite no championship. Rollins's performances have taken a severe drop-off over the last month or so which again, telegraphs the ending of the match in my opinion. When it comes down to it however, between Rollins and Kingston, which one would you rather see hold up the belt? I can promise you, you aren't getting both. Vince doesn't operate that way.
Prediction: Brock Lesnar

2. Raw/Smackdown Women's Championship: Winner Take All: Ronda Rousey (C) Vs. Charlotte Flair (C) Vs. Becky Lynch
I am perfectly happy with this match being the main event, it is LONG overdue. The WWE needs to stop tooting its horn over all of the "Women's Firsts" however. Frankly, it's embarrassing. It's 2019, and all of these milestones for the women should have happened years ago. I can honestly see all 3 women wining this match, which means the WWE has done its job telling the story. I don't quite understand why Flair had to win the Smackdown Championship, but whatever, it is what it is. The fans will be pissed if Lynch doesn't win, which is exactly when Vince is a danger of making the wrong decision. It is clear the WWE loves Ronda Rousey, and loves the belt on her. Charlotte is the companies go-to. 8 time champion in 3 years shows that. Becky is far and away the most over person in the company, and the clear fan favorite. Fireworks are scheduled at the end of the night, and that points to a Lynch win. But Vince lives to troll his devoted fanbase.
Prediction: Ronda Rousey

1. WWE Smackdown Championship: Daniel Bryan (C) Vs. Kofi Kingston
Kofi-Mania is in full swing. There is no way this was the plan even 4 months ago. Kofi lucked into a championship match at Elimination Chamber earlier this year when Ali went down with an injury. And to the WWE's credit, they realized what they had and immediately ran with it.The WWE really has done a masterful job handling this story, and credit should be given. I'm still not sure how I feel about Bryan being a heel, but there is no denying that he is damn good at it. I really hope the rumors of Big-E turning on Kofi are false, at least for tonight. Big-E can turn on Kofi, I'm fine with it, but let it be during Smackdown. It would destroy and and all hard work over the last 3 months. It is my opinion that we are getting 1 of the 3 possible "feel-good" moments tonight, I sincerely hope this is the match in which it happens.
Prediction: Kofi Kingston

Where do y'all disagree with me? I would love for Rollins/Lynch/and Kingston to all win, but its not happening. 2 of the 3 could, but not all 3.

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