Not sure Bjerk is capable of a thinking


All-Pro NFL
Feb 27, 2002
Kennedy is the best basketball coach we've ever had or will in my lifetime. I hope he has a great next season and is offered big time elsewhere and Bjerk get's the boot for being a dumbass. This is silly AK is doing all he possibly can. Remember we ARE Ole Miss in basketball, so a winning season is HUGE. I have a hard time with shorty and he's going to come up short on this if he doesn't watch his prissy little step.
Kennedy is the best basketball coach we've ever had or will in my lifetime. I hope he has a great next season and is offered big time elsewhere and Bjerk get's the boot for being a dumbass. This is silly AK is doing all he possibly can. Remember we ARE Ole Miss in basketball, so a winning season is HUGE. I have a hard time with shorty and he's going to come up short on this if he doesn't watch his prissy little step.
With two sports already on probation and football fixing to get hit just shy of what SMU received in the 80's you guys will be without Bjerk and Fresus both after the COI meets.
Kennedy is the best basketball coach we've ever had or will in my lifetime. I hope he has a great next season and is offered big time elsewhere and Bjerk get's the boot for being a dumbass. This is silly AK is doing all he possibly can. Remember we ARE Ole Miss in basketball, so a winning season is HUGE. I have a hard time with shorty and he's going to come up short on this if he doesn't watch his prissy little step.
His contract was not extended b/c of the cost of the Pavilion.
Why would the cost of the building impact a years salary three years from now. Unless Kennedy demanded a raise, which would not be deserved

So unless, our resident carpetbagger intends on hiring a new low cost coach in three years, that spin doesn't fly.

And, the building was financed through the Forward Rebels campaign which began under Pete Boone

Far be it from me to give you advice, but if you believe anything bjork says, then you really don't understand what a phony he is.

Just look at the long list of lies and misrepresentations coming out of his office relative to the football scandal
Why would the cost of the building impact a years salary three years from now. Unless Kennedy demanded a raise, which would not be deserved

So unless, our resident carpetbagger intends on hiring a new low cost coach in three years, that spin doesn't fly.

And, the building was financed through the Forward Rebels campaign which began under Pete Boone

Far be it from me to give you advice, but if you believe anything bjork says, then you really don't understand what a phony he is.

Just look at the long list of lies and misrepresentations coming out of his office relative to the football scandal
I saw this on Kennedy a phony? Come on! Considering we are not a traditional basketball powerhouse, we are doing pretty well and with a killer future. And I am not a Bjork fan nor do I hate the guy. But have you seen the Pavilion? First class! Still not paid for. So Kennedy has to wait for awhile.The football scandal? Blame the boosters in Oxford and an idiot coach. That's not Bjork's fault, nor is it Freeze's.
I think Kennedy and Bianco should be let go. It's like Mark Richt at Georgia. He was a great coach and did great things for them but at some point you have to ask yourself are they every going to put together a championship team. Kennedy gets a slight pass because his facilities were complete trash. Now that he has a top of the line facility he needs to go dancing atleast every 3 or 4 years. Bianco has more players in MLB farmsystems and the show than almost every coach in the country yet he has only went to Omaha 1 time in all these years. That means he has had the talent yet whether it's lack of coaching or lack of motivation, it falls on him. One or two games can be on the players but years of not performing in the post season is on him. Same thing with Freeze, after the NCAA stuff is over with, he should get 3 or 4 years to get to Atlanta. If he doesn't send him packing. If the AD doesn't do these things it's time for him to be sent packing.
With the team he's put together I doubt there is going to be any reason to talk about this the next couple years anyway and he'll get the extension to 4.
Bianco has a bunch of young players as does Kennedy. Be patient guys!

That's the problem we have been patient. There isn't anyone in Baseball that has done less with more talent than Bianco. He has made the college world series 1 time in his entire tenure. Kennedy is the same way. 1 dance in his whole time. He gets a slight pass because his facilities were trash and couldn't really recruit. Now that he has top notch facilities the seat is going to start heating up if he isn't dancing every 2 to 3 years
this reeks of boone's treatment of orgeron

failure and corruption in the athletic department begins at the top

a fish rots from the head

bjork has to
That's the problem we have been patient. There isn't anyone in Baseball that has done less with more talent than Bianco. He has made the college world series 1 time in his entire tenure. Kennedy is the same way. 1 dance in his whole time. He gets a slight pass because his facilities were trash and couldn't really recruit. Now that he has top notch facilities the seat is going to start heating up if he isn't dancing every 2 to 3 years[/QUOTE We have to show more patience. A lot is going against us. We have allegedly the no. 1 recruits in baseball with NO experience in the dogfight of the SEC because most are freshmen. And I hate when we lose to Florida like we did-Florida is damned good! I get that.But they will get there! Kennedy has a very strong class coming in next year. Shuler, Davis, and that transfer from Memphis-can't remember his name. They and others will contribute. Doom and gloom picture really bothers me. Football, OK, as we will not have a defense and are on probation. We have a problem there. We will overcome, mark my word! Playing the coach carousel does no good.
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