Good grief OP... If that's the only reason you come to the board, you've got to broaden your horizons... so much other stuff here to help you in life! I come here to find out if tv shows, movies, etc... have nudity; I come here to find out whether or not I should get vaccinated; I come here to give advice to those struggling with dating; I come here to arrange fights with people whose trucks have no lift; I come here to occasionally view nudity threads; I come here to discuss people's issues with their fantasy draft; I come here to mock democrats; I come here to remind folks to PIIHB; I come here to celebrate births, console deaths, and participate in worthy gofundme's; I come here to laugh at every dadgum question about depth charts and where they are located on this site; I come here to fire coaches; I come here to participate in the wonderment of what happened to the other half of UM President Boyce's mustache; I come here to ride the waves of WAOM; I come here to talk about Oxford real estate; I come here to remember the link to hangover patches; I come over here to laugh about Noseblow and his following;
These are a few of the wonderful things on this website every day... choose a few and try it for a week... see if you don't enjoy the board more!