A few caveats:
1. This is long. Really long.
2. This is personal. It has one Ole Miss mention in it. If you don't like personal stuff, this is not the story for you.
3. I'm not sure this belongs here. That said, I've learned when I need to process, I write. So over the past few days, I just started writing. I'm so glad I did. I'd have been a mess otherwise. I never really intended to publish it, but maybe some will enjoy it and it will motivate them to slow down and smell the roses, so to speak. I didn't miss much this season. I'm so glad. And as I started thinking about this, I thought about all of the time the game gave us together. I know now it was a gift from God.
4. This is best-viewed, I suspect, on a laptop or PC. There are a lot of photos and the photos break up a ton -- more than 6,000 words -- of content.
5. If I am found dead, it was probably Carson. But someone do me a favor and get him an acquittal. He doesn't know I wrote this. One day, years from now, I hope he sees it and knows how lucky I am to be his dad, how proud of him I am and how very much I enjoyed falling in love with a game I knew nothing about. He's a special young man.
My son's soccer career ended Tuesday. It was a chapter, for him and me, that taught life lessons and built amazing bonds