Actually not even the coaching staff knows what will happen. The entire investigation was handled through Ross Bjork and the Athletic Department. Every athletic department has an Opportunity Fund to help athletes through emergencies. Some schools have used hundreds of thousands of dollars to "help" their athletes. Others have been more frugal with their use. I suspect if every school's Opportunity Fund was audited by the NCAA there would be many abuses uncovered. Plus, I'll add the NCAA has changed their stance on what is acceptable use and what isn't. What is acceptable use is fluid. Things that were acceptable 5 years ago are now unacceptable and things that were unacceptable five years ago are now acceptable. One university gave all their athletes I phones and paid their accounts stating they needed to do that to make sure they could contact their athletes when necessary. Another school has used $450,000 of opportunity fund money for their athletes. One thing I find amusing is the posters here claiming Ole Miss pays players but Tunsil had to ask for $305 to help his mother. Plus he drove a run down car that was in the shop often. If we were paying him he would not have to ask for money or over use a loner car. A couple of years ago I spoke with the dad of a walkon player of another SEC team. He was thinking of transferring to Ole Miss because he thought he had a better chance of securing a scholarship here. The dad asked me about payment to players. I told him there wasn't any but there may be some $100 handshakes in the Grove after a game. He told me EVERY player on his son's team received $1000 from the coaches after a game and if they had an exceptional game they received $2000. Fact is, every team in D1 football has to worry about things that go on in their programs. All it takes is one disgruntled step dad, family member or agent to expose them.