OT: I really need this board's help right now

I feel sorry for the man, but this thread is epic.
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Re: Dude, it will always be on the back of your mind

Originally posted by GeorgiaRebz:
She likely got the dirty sanchez from his friend. He should go more for the parting strawberry shortcake.
Personally, I think she deserves the Screaming Seagull or the Spiderman.
Re: Dude, it will always be on the back of your mind

or an angry anish.
I know the feeling, DO NOT continue with this relationship. You will regret it in the end.
Wow. The "solutions" offered are very character defining. Most involve having sex with another woman who doesn't have a clue she being used by you as revenge. That's really sweet. Let me assure you, in most marriages most men cheat and a lot of women do, so it is rare that it doesn't have to be dealt with. You don't seem to have all the facts, yet. I am impressed she told you; she didn't have to. Let it cool off. Counseling with an impartial third party is very healing. Remember that life is full of forgiveness. And lastly, no one can really tell you what to do...they can only tell you what they would do which might be really lousy advice. Out of all these posts, go back and read: Bobforapples, delta_belle, Wayward_Rebel, jim0352, and Crown Rebel. Skip the rest.
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It's obvious to me that you will give her another chance since you have to ask advise. I would drop her like a hot rock, but I would be as nice as I could be. Don't blame your friend, but do keep a mental note of his action. If you prove to be weak on this, you will be sorry. There are plenty more out there to browse. What if you had gone to the war for a year? Sorry, but I seen a lot in my 67 years.
Sure is better than tv!

I've posted mine earlier, but this is awesome.

Where is UAFungirl now....
Oh, wait she's a he right?
Posted from[/URL]
Simply put: Break up with her or, if you don't, keep her at an arm's length emotionally.

You've been dating her for 3 years - I'll almost guarantee this isn't the first time she's cheated on you or, if it is, there was something going on behind the scenes that was going to end your relationship sooner or later.
Originally posted by Airtel:
It's obvious to me that you will give her another chance since you have to ask advise. I would drop her like a hot rock, but I would be as nice as I could be. Don't blame your friend, but do keep a mental note of his action. If you prove to be weak on this, you will be sorry. There are plenty more out there to browse. What if you had gone to the war for a year? Sorry, but I seen a lot in my 67 years.

The "friend" needs to go faster than the girlfriend (and both should go), in my opinion. A "friend" that would hook up with your girlfriend isn't much of a friend - watch that guy very closely or you're going to end up getting stabbed in the back by him again.
At the risk of seeming just a tad insensitive AND judging from your past thread history - nice job of conning the whole board , i don't buy this BS for one second . I , for one , would certainly never come to an internet board for advice if something this traumatic happened in my life + as i said , your history on here is extremely questionable ....... nice prank !
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beleive me when i say once a cheater always a cheater

heard thoughs lines before man, sorry to be blunt but it`ll happen again
Whatever you do, don't buy her a ring. Don't hitch your wagon to that in this endeavor we call life. You need someone that's not going to do your friend in the foxhole with you.
in my experience, when people ask advice such as this, they are looking for confirmation for what they already know they SHOULD do....

truthfully, nobody knows the situation better than know you and your morals, and better yet you know her and her such you know the likelihood of this being a habitual situation....

so my answer is no real answer (i always wanted to sound like confucius)
but to trust your instincts on this one....
my only advice is TAKE YOUR TIME in finding your instincts :)

take a break....see how time apart feels...and how your feelings toward this change (acceptance and forgiveness vs. hurt & betrayal).....THEN do what you think is best....

IF you go back i agree with others that i'd wait years before tying the knot.....

good luck my friend...
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I was planning to leave a serious heart-to-heart comment, but since this thread has taken a comedic turn, I'll just say, if you want my real advice, email me:
Once again guys thank you all for the support. I talked to her for a minute this afternoon and told her to come over tomorrow afternoon so we can talk. To be Honest at this point i still dont know what i am going to do. I honestly believe it was just a drunken hookup. She promised me that they did not have sex. If they had done that i would be done for sure. I really am leaning towards staying with her because I have been in some really crappy relationships in this past and the relationship we have has been awesome. Over the almost 3 years we have been dating we have had maybe 2 arguments that we really got upset withe each other . Should i tell her we are done and see how she handles it?

For the A-holes who told me to PIIHB. screw you
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Originally posted by beams8star:
Once again guys thank you all for the support. I talked to her for a minute this afternoon and told her to come over tomorrow afternoon so we can talk. To be Honest at this point i still dont know what i am going to do. I honestly believe it was just a drunken hookup. She promised me that they did not have sex. If they had done that i would be done for sure. I really am leaning towards staying with her because I have been in some really crappy relationships in this past and the relationship we have has been awesome. Over the almost 3 years we have been dating we have had maybe 2 arguments that we really got upset withe each other . Should i tell her we are done and see how she handles it?

For the A-holes who told me to PIIHB. screw you

Ahhh , thebeams8star we all know and love - true colors ......
(1) this belongs on Sq Bd (2) go Animal House on her = Fawn Lebowitz!!!

Not to hijack the thread, but I'm going to anyway. When was the last time we had a 3 page thread on the Grove?
Its good you don't argue, but you're not supposed to argue while dating. Anyways, good luck. Suggestions that you distance yourself from her for a while are very sound're still super young and this incident will look much different to you in two or three years. Use this as a wake-up call for your life in general. I feel for ya bro.
you described the year after i got back from the Gulf War to the T. Good read believer!I like the part about getting numb. I thought it was just me.
Originally posted by 26reb:
Originally posted by libmaniac:
Not to hijack the thread, but I'm going to anyway. When was the last time we had a 3 page thread on the Grove?

Ummmm , 5 days ago (Chad) ......

Well, don't I feel like an idiot.
Originally posted by libmaniac:
Not to hijack the thread, but I'm going to anyway. When was the last time we had a 3 page thread on the Grove?

Ha! Not me, I have my settings set to "thread view" and at least 250 posts ....... per page. Page 1 is a BIG mutha'.
Tell her that you're so relieved and proud she told you about this. Then make up a story about banging one of her friends, and heck, throw in a cousin to boot. See her reaction, and I'll bet you that you're not worth her forgiveness.
2 to 1 says despite everyone telling him not to he takes her back

after I take that easy money, I'll give you double or nothing that she cheats again/they're broke up with in the next three years
Ha! Reminds me of Caddy Shack:

"10 to 1 says the kid eats the bugger!"

Originally posted by fingokra:
2 to 1 says despite everyone telling him not to he takes her back

after I take that easy money, I'll give you double or nothing that she cheats again/they're broke up with in the next three years
I agree with need sound advice from someone who will have your best interest in mind. email casey!

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