In the mailbag:
"From chattreb: You mentioned today about the potential danger of the Tennessee Court case and how if that logic applied to MLB, it would ruin baseball and the Dodgers could buy anyone that they wanted. Now while I agree with you 110 %, how is a judge going to see sports teams and players any differently than people in private industry where you can jump around from job to job at your own discretion?
I don't know. I think everybody is overthinking this, overreacting to a lot of "angst." I just think that a lot of opportunities are going to be lost and then some of the activists who are pushing for all of this revolutionary change are going to wonder what happened."
The important differences between the MLB and the NCAA are that 1) Congress has granted antitrust exemptions to the MLB, so it's not subject to the same laws as the NCAA, and 2) MLB's players are employees, so the MLB is subject to labor regulations that the NCAA is not subject to
Whether the logic applies to both the same is irrelevant; the law doesn't apply the same to both.